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Air Safety to Combat Global

Catastrophic Biorisk

Gavriel Kleinwaks, Alastair Fraser-Urquhart,

Jam Kraprayoon, Josh Morrison


Executive Summary..........................................................................................................................................2

Top-line summary..............................................................................................................................................................2

The problem: airborne pathogens...................................................................................................................................2

How to fix indoor air contamination..............................................................................................................................2

How can we accelerate the deployment of IAQ-related interventions?...................................................................3


What is the Problem?........................................................................................................................................6

Pandemic respiratory disease...........................................................................................................................................6

How important is risk from respiratory pathogens?....................................................................................................7

Respiratory pathogens........................................................................................................................................7


Mechanical Interventions to Improve Air Quality...........................................................................................10

Summary of options.......................................................................................................................................................10


Germicidal ultraviolet (GUV) light.................................................................................................................11

Cost and cost-effectiveness of different mechanical interventions.........................................................................13

Modeling the efficacy of interventions.........................................................................................................................17

Room-scale models...........................................................................................................................................17

City-scale models...............................................................................................................................................18

Integration of room- and city-scale models..................................................................................................18

How could models be improved?....................................................................................................................19

Rough Estimate of Impact..............................................................................................................................19

Bottlenecks and Funding Opportunities.........................................................................................................22

What are the bottlenecks?..............................................................................................................................................22

What can new funding accomplish?..............................................................................................................................22


Cost and manufacturing...................................................................................................................................24



Possibilities for immediate action..................................................................................................................................26

Risk Factors.....................................................................................................................................................26



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Executive Summary

Top-line summary

• Most efforts to address indoor air quality (IAQ) do

not address airborne pathogen levels, and creating

indoor air quality standards that include airborne

pathogen levels could meaningfully reduce global

catastrophic biorisk from pandemics.

• We estimate that an ideal adoption of indoor air

quality interventions, like ventilation, filtration, and

ultraviolet germicidal irradiation (GUV) in all public

buildings in the US, would reduce overall population

transmission of respiratory illnesses by 30-75%, with

a median estimate of 52.5%.

• Bottlenecks inhibiting the mass deployment of these

technologies include a lack of clear standards, cost

of implementation, and difficulty changing regula- tion/public attitudes.

• The following actions can accelerate deployment and

improve IAQ to reduce biorisk:

• Funders can support advocacy efforts, initiatives

to reduce cost and manufacturing issues, and

research with contributions ranging from $25,000-

$200M. Applied research projects can be funded

to show the efficacy of ventilation, filtration, and

GUV in field applications.

• Businesses and nonprofits can become early

adopters of GUV technology by installing it in

their offices and allowing effectiveness data to be


• Researchers can develop models that better

tie built-environment interventions to popula- tion-level effects, conduct further GUV safety

testing, and do fundamental materials and manu- facturing research for GUV interventions. Ap- plied research can be conducted on ventilation,

filtration, and GUV applications in real settings.

The problem: airborne pathogens

Infectious diseases pose a global catastrophic risk. The

risk is especially severe, and we are far less prepared,

if it involves bioengineered pathogens. Out of the

various methods of pathogen transmission, airborne

1 Air quality standards are typically set in terms of air changes per hour (ACH) and equivalent air changes per hour (eACH).

pathogens, particularly viruses, are especially danger- ous, as they are easy to spread and difficult to com- bat. Airborne pathogens are significantly more likely

to spread indoors than outdoors, so reducing indoor

respiratory pathogen transmission could substantially

reduce global catastrophic biorisk by:

• Reducing the probability that a disease has an effec- tive reproduction number >1 and will spread at all,

or if not,

• Limiting the number of infections that occur, “flat- tening the curve” so as not to overwhelm medical


• Slowing the spread of disease to

• Provide more time for countermeasure develop- ment, and

• Discuss and implement non-pharmaceutical

interventions, like limiting large gatherings and

requiring masks.

Current indoor air standards do not consider infectious

disease risk, whereas waterborne and foodborne patho- gen deaths have been largely eliminated in many areas

due to improved water and food sanitation. Indoor

air quality, especially concerning infectious diseases,

should be a priority public good, like fire safety, food

safety, and potable water.

How to fix indoor air contamination

Known effective interventions to reduce indoor air

pathogen contamination include increased outdoor air

ventilation, high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter- ing, and germicidal ultraviolet (GUV) light. Of these,

GUV technology is the most promising for pathogen

control because it can reach considerably higher levels

of equivalent air changes per hour (eACH) than filtra- tion or ventilation by directly inactivating pathogens,

could in principle be more energy efficient, is straight- forward to install as a retrofit, and produces no noise

pollution.1 Filtration is a viable option for high levels

of eACH up to CDC hospital standards (8-12 eACH),

where it is still relatively cost-effective. It also helps

to reduce particulate and chemical pollution, which is

relevant for immediate health concerns, such as chronic

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respiratory health and everyday cognitive functioning.

By contrast, high-volume ventilation is expensive, or

even impossible in many buildings due to the difficulty

of retrofitting or upgrading HVAC systems.

Currently, two different wavelengths of GUV are

utilized: 254 nm UVC and 222 nm UVC, also known

as far-UVC. People should not be directly exposed to

254 nm UVC, since it can cause skin and eye damage,

but 222 nm UVC is likely safe for direct interaction.

Most current germicidal light fixtures are 254 nm, and

therefore installed as an upper-room or in-duct system,

shielded from room occupants.

• 254 nm UVC is already more cost-effective than

other IAQ interventions and, if installed correctly, is

safe due to lack of interaction with a room’s occu- pants.

• Far-UVC can be used to reduce surface and close

contact transmission as well as airborne transmis- sion, making it potentially the most effective inter- vention for reducing global catastrophic biorisk, with

a recent review indicating strong safety evidence in

humans even after prolonged exposure. The price

of current systems is currently too high for at-scale

deployment, though there are reasons to think the

price can be lowered significantly.

We estimate that the ideal mass deployment of indoor

air quality interventions, like ventilation, filtration, and

GUV, would reduce overall population transmission of

respiratory illnesses by 30-75%, with a median esti- mate of 52.5%. (Described in the “Rough Estimate of

Impact” section.) This could completely prevent many

current diseases from spreading, and even for the most

transmissible diseases, like measles, it likely amounts

to a great reduction in transmission speed, and would

serve as an important layer of biodefense.

Overall, we can be confident that these interventions

effectively reduce pathogen load in the air, and some

previous work has been done investigating the impact

of ventilation on population-level transmission.

How can we accelerate the deployment

of IAQ-related interventions?

Despite the existence of promising technologies, sever- al bottlenecks are preventing the mass deployment of

IAQ interventions. Some significant ones include:

• Expense of improving and implementing air clean- ing technology.

• Difficulty of wide-scale change in regulations and

public attitudes towards indoor air quality.

• Difficulty in understanding the relationship between

pathogen load and infection cases.

However, significant opportunities exist to accelerate

deployment via advocacy, cost and manufacturing im- provements, and research.

• Advocacy: Some presently attractive advocacy proj- ects include: development of an anti-infection stan- dard by the American Society of Heating, Refriger- ating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE);

promoting use of the recently released (Non-infec- tious Air Delivery Rate) NADR standard from the

Lancet COVID Commission; recruiting high-status

businesses as early adopters who can conduct and

fund pilots; improving air quality in schools through

private and public investments; and creating an um- brella group to coordinate efforts.

• Costs and manufacturing: Advanced market com- mitments and other forms of investment could drive

down the cost of far-UVC solid-state emitters and

other interventions. Investments in training could

also increase expertise in design and installation of

GUV systems.

• Research: Attractive research opportunities include:

(a) further establishing the long-term safety of far- UVC, which can help with international deployment,

(b) creating reliable ways to test intervention efficacy,

which could include applied research programs or

controlled natural exposure challenge studies, (c)

developing guides to help organizations optimally

deploy IAQ fixtures, and (d) social research to im- prove public advocacy efforts around IAQ.

We provide a conservative estimate that the total cost

of upgrading air quality systems in all public buildings

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in the US to be $120-$420 billion (CI:90%).

We give a conservative estimate that reducing the risk

of a future pandemic as bad as COVID by 1% would

be worth $100 billion, and it seems highly likely that

this program would reduce the risk or severity of a

pandemic by more than 1%.

We think significant action to accelerate deployment

of IAQ interventions to reduce biorisk would benefit

from philanthropic funding in the range of $25,000-


• $25,000 could fund the development of a detailed

population transmission model or message-testing

surveys for IAQ public advocacy.

• $5M could fund the development of new solid-state

far-UVC light sources.

• $20M could fund a single dedicated clinical project

(e.g. something like EMIT-2) or a field demonstra- tion of GUV efficacy in reducing transmission in

high risk areas.

• $200M could fund a program combining studies to

ascertain and demonstrate the effect of indoor air

interventions with advocacy to lead to broad adop- tion (e.g. far-UVC light safety studies, real-world

efficacy studies for IAQ interventions, advocacy for

improved pandemic preparedness standards, etc.).


Poor indoor air quality adversely impacts health, yet has

historically been ignored compared with other health

interventions (such as surface cleaning, handwashing,

or spray barriers). However, COVID-19 has created a

significant change in scientific attitudes towards aerosol

transmission of respiratory disease, and the harmful

impact of chemical and particulate indoor air pollution

continues to be documented in greater and greater de- tail. In this brief investigation-style report, we explore

the case for funders, founders, researchers, and existing

organizations to reduce respiratory pathogen burden

2 E.g. implementing GUV in countries where TB is endemic, we could expect to see reduction in TB transmission as a near-term benefit,

regardless of the timing of a respiratory pandemic.

3 8 out of 10 top airports for passenger traffic are in the US.

and global catastrophic biorisk (GCBR) by improving

indoor air quality. While there would be benefits to

implementation in other countries, we focus on the

United States for a few reasons2


1. American standards tend to influence other coun- tries (e.g. car emissions standards).

2. Globally, 1.2 billion people live in high-income

countries, for which deployment should be roughly

similar to the US.

3. We expect building changes to be implemented first

in richer countries because of their greater resources

and institutional capacity.

4. People in high-income countries fly more often on

average, so blocking or reducing pathogen transmis- sion in these countries, including the US, would do

more to reduce air travel spread.3

5. Technological investments by wealthy countries will

reduce costs, which would facilitate later deployment

in developing countries.

In addition, focusing on the US allows us to provide

a more detailed cost-benefit analysis, as the US is

well-studied and has data on important items such as

the composition of building stock.

Existing IAQ Policy and Regulation: The majority

of air quality guidance is aimed at chemical pollutants,

with little if any focus on infectious disease.

• World Health Organization: The WHO Guide- lines for Indoor Air Quality exclusively references

dangerous chemicals and gasses such as benzene,

carbon monoxide, and formaldehyde.

• State and Local Government: In the United

States, IAQ standards are typically set by individual

states and refer only to ventilation, not pollutants or

pathogens. These policies tend to derive from guide- lines published by the American Society of Heat- ing, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers

(ASHRAE), an influential industry group, or they are

omitted from building codes entirely.

• ASHRAE: The majority of buildings fall under the

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remit of ASHRAE Standards 62.1 and 62.2, last

updated in 2022. They call for varying amounts of

ventilation based on occupancy, use, and a constant

for area - working out to be approximately 1-2 ACH

in residences and offices (though half of studied

buildings fall below ASHRAE standards). The

current standards do not consider airborne patho- gens, though they are currently being updated to do

so. More stringent requirements can be found for

healthcare settings, defined in ASHRAE 170.

• Occupational Safety and Health Administration:

OSHA has authority to regulate air in indoor work- place settings. Its regulations tend to be fairly weak,

only address particulate and chemical pollutants, and

are primarily based upon ASHRAE guidelines. They

only apply to a healthy working adult population

and should not be considered for the general public,

which includes children and the elderly. In facilities

that are not expected to produce large amounts of

pollutants, OSHA demands only a self-certification

form, and in environments where pollutants might

be more common, only some chemicals are regu- lated, with a generic requirement for employers to

protect against known harms.

• Environmental Protection Agency: The EPA

is responsible for outdoor air quality but does not

regulate indoor air quality; it primarily focuses on

greenhouse gasses, radiation, and common hazard- ous gaseous and particulate pollutants. However,

it does provide resources for people seeking to

independently improve their indoor air quality. The

National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS)

are health-based, and as such should be applicable to

those air pollutants for which there is a standard in

all environments.

• CDC: The CDC is responsible for guidance related

to infectious disease, but is not a regulatory agency.

Its suggestions are very high-level and do not ad- dress businesses or standards.

• Lancet COVID-19 Commission: The Lancet

Commission recently released its recommendations

for Non-Infectious Air Delivery Rates (NADR),

benchmarks for ensuring good indoor air quality

that are intended for universal application. Based on

a review of existing literature, the report proposes

potential target measures for NADR for reducing

transmission of airborne pathogens, such as volu- metric flow rate per person, per floor area, or per

volume. For NADR measured by volumetric flow

rate per volume, the report proposes that a “good”

target for volumetric flow rate per volume is 4 air

changes per hour equivalents (ACHe), with increas- ing benefits in transmission reduction continuing to

at least 6 ACHe.

Prior to COVID-19, the dominant public health

paradigm treated airborne transmission as negligible

for most major respiratory diseases. This resulted in

a historical reluctance to implement air hygiene con- trols. However, interdisciplinary research inspired by

the COVID-19 pandemic has shown that airborne

transmission is a major mode of transmission for this

disease, and likely a significant one for many other

respiratory infectious diseases.

Federal efforts have been proposed to improve US in- door air quality: the American Pandemic Preparedness

Plan (AP3) proposed allocating $3.1B for “next-gen

PPE and built environment improvements” (with no

indication of the split between the two), and requested

that the 2023 budget include $88.2 billion in mandatory

funding for biodefense purposes, but neither was en- acted. Despite these setbacks, the Biden administration

released a plan to advance indoor air quality nationwide

by upgrading the filtration and ventilation of federally

owned buildings, funding air quality research and iden- tifying gaps, and providing resources and incentives for

upgrades in schools and residential buildings. Addition- ally, organizations that want to upgrade their ventilation

and air cleaning systems are encouraged to use funds

from the American Rescue Plan and Bipartisan Infra- structure Law to do so.

In this report, we use two primary metrics for air

quality: air changes per hour (ACH), referring to the

outdoor air supply airflow rate normalized by room

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The majority of aerosolized respiratory pathogen

transmission occurs indoors; in the COVID-19 pan- demic it is estimated that likely more than 90% of

transmission has occurred indoors, that the odds of

transmission are at least 20 times higher indoors than

outdoors, and superspreading events happened indoors

in locations with inadequate ventilation.

Given the above, improving indoor air quality, i.e. re- ducing indoor respiratory pathogen transmission, could

substantially reduce global catastrophic biorisk by:

1. Reducing the probability that a disease has an effec- tive reproduction number >1 and will spread at all,

or if not,

2. Limiting the number of infections that occur, “flat- tening the curve” so as not to overwhelm medical


3. Slowing the spread of disease to

• Provide more time for countermeasure develop- ment, and

• Discuss and implement policies, like limiting large

gatherings and requiring masks.

Ideally, improving indoor air quality is only a part of

a portfolio for reducing global catastrophic biorisk,

alongside other interventions like advanced PPE, vac- cinations and medications, improving early pandemic

detection, and advocacy to better manage dual-use

research of concern.

How important is risk from respiratory


We estimate that 90-99% of COVID-19 infections

come from aerosol sources, between 40-80% of influ- enza transmission, and much6 of the overall disease

burden of other common cold viruses. The relative

importance of modes of transmission between patho- gens is very poorly quantified. For most common re- spiratory pathogens (aside from COVID-19 and to an

extent, influenza) the data required to make meaningful

quantitative predictions does not currently exist.

6 Our research indicates numbers between 20% and 90% of disease burden; figures depend highly on the specific models and scenarios

in which infections take place. Generally, substantial evidence underlies the hypothesis that all respiratory infections can be transmitted via

aerosol to some degree or another.

IAQ interventions to prevent disease primarily act on

aerosolized particles. The impact of IAQ on disease

transmission is dependent on the fraction of pathogen

transmission attributable to airborne transmission.

While some diseases, most notably COVID-19, TB,

measles, and chickenpox, are widely accepted to be

dominantly airborne, most respiratory pathogens have

historically been assumed to be primarily driven by

large droplet/fomite transmission. This assumption

now seems highly uncertain given updated research


Respiratory pathogens

COVID-19: The vast majority of COVID-19 infection

is transmitted via aerosols, primarily indoors. Early

studies were mostly observational, with notable early

studies showing a clear case of aerosol transmission

in a restaurant and at a choir practice. Aerosol trans- mission proved so efficient that COVID was even

transmitted between individuals in rooms across the

hall from each other in a quarantine facility when their

doors were simultaneously open for under a minute.

Measles: Measles is the most contagious known

airborne pathogen, making it an important bench- mark for air safety measures. Although vaccination

is the preferred public health measure to prevent the

spread of measles, vaccine hesitancy has contributed

to recent outbreaks in some communities, indicating

the need for alternative interventions. In 2019, a series

of measles outbreaks led to 1,274 reported cases in

the US. As has long been recognized, measles is easily

transmitted through aerosols, contributing to its high

contagiousness. Case studies of superspreader events

suggest rapid measles recirculation throughout build- ings by unfiltered central ventilation systems, with one

case study indicating 35-78% of infections occurring

without close contact with the initial case. The impact

of GUV on preventing measles transmission has also

been long-studied, with scientific literature dating to

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the 1940s. A landmark UVGI study found strong pos- itive effects of upper-room irradiation in preventing

transmission in classrooms, but later studies indicated

much weaker effects in experimental setups where sub- jects also congregated in other settings, such as on the

schoolbus to and from school, indicating the need for

comprehensive treatment of all sites of congregation.

Influenza: Over the last decades, large amounts of re- search have been conducted on influenza transmission,

but consensus is far from clear. Literature reviews pro- vide convincing evidence of both closer-range/fomite

transmission, and transmission via aerosols (though not

without divergent opinions). Computational models

can also predict dominant aerosol transmission of


Various real-world interventions and controlled studies

have been completed:

• Deployment of upper-room GUV in a hospital

during a 1957 influenza outbreak almost completely

prevented transmission, suggesting the vast majority

of transmission is airborne.

• Studies in Bangkok and Hong Kong estimated (albe- it speculatively) 41-52% of transmission in control

arms was via the aerosol route, due to increased

symptoms potentially consistent with airborne infec- tion in the intervention households.

• A recent study attempted to cause flu transmission

from deliberately infected research participants, but

(in contrast to an earlier pilot study) very few infec- tions occurred, meaning no firm conclusions were

drawn. A US-based followup, launched this year,

hopes to improve on this design by using donors

with community-acquired infections (removing the

possibility of an experimental infection affecting

shedding characteristics).

There exists highly convincing evidence of all major

transmission routes for influenza. However, it seems

reasonable to take as a lower bound 40% airborne

transmission (the lowest value in the Bangkok/Hong

Kong intervention study), and an upper bound of 80%

(based on the success of the Livermore hospital study).

Tuberculosis: TB stands out for having a potentially

indefinite incubation period. Only 5-10% of people

infected with the bacteria ever develop symptoms,

so many carry the disease for long periods without

knowing. TB is transmitted through the air by aerosol

droplets from people with active symptoms, and may

even be transmitted by some asymptomatic carriers.

Killingley, B. (2012) Investigations into Human Influenza Transmission. [Unpublished PhD thesis]

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not include the costs of post-upgrade energy con- sumption or increased operation and maintenance. If

upgrades are done primarily through ventilation, there

is substantial added energy consumption, estimated

by one expert at a 15-20% overall energy cost increase

for 10 eACH11 throughout a school, especially if the

upgrade does not explicitly target energy efficiency

through mechanisms like installing energy recovery


In order to estimate the cost of upgrading the general

stock of public buildings in the US, we start from a

published estimate that educational space uses 14% of

commercial floorspace in the US, and estimate that it is

between 10-20% of commercial floorspace (CI:90%).

We’ll additionally estimate that public K-12 buildings

are 30%-70% of educational floorspace (CI:90%).

Using this and a cost-estimate drawn from the earli- er CHS report on school ventilation, we estimate the

total cost of upgrading air quality systems in all the

commercial buildings in the US to be $120-$420 billion


This figure is prohibitively expensive for rapid imple- mentation. However, it assumes the cost of upgrading

systems stays fixed, but given that this field is getting

increased attention and investment, costs might come

down considerably over the next decade. For example,

we use the $15 billion estimate for upgrading school

HVAC systems. However, if air quality improvements

included GUV to achieve target standards, rather than

relying on HVAC alone, the cost could be significantly

lower due to the higher cost-effectiveness of GUV.

Also, more targeted programs addressing high-priority

public spaces as an intermediate step would be less

expensive and still reduce pandemic risk and improve

everyday health. For example, building on the estimate

of $15 billion to upgrade public primary education

facilities, we can produce the following upgrade cost

11 Although the expert provided the energy cost estimate for 10 eACH, it is uncommon for buildings to have the HVAC capacity to

achieve over 6 eACH through ventilation alone, as stated below in Table 1.

12 Order-of-magnitude check: In the US, about 1 million people have died of COVID. Government agencies typically use $1-10 million

for the value of a statistical life, i.e., how much should be spent to save a life. These figures would place the cost of COVID at $1-10 tril- lion in life loss alone, so hypothetically the US government should be willing to spend up to $10 trillion to fully avert another COVID-size


estimates using the percentage breakdown of commer- cial building stock:

• Healthcare facilities and hospitals, 4.7% of commer- cial floorspace: $10 billion

• Food service, 2.1% of commercial floorspace: $4


• Public assembly space, 6.4% of commercial floor- space: $14 billion

• Malls, 6.8% of commercial floorspace: $15 billion

• Offices, 18.3% of commercial floorspace: $39 billion

• Religious institutions, 5.2% of commercial floor- space: $11 billion

If upgrades to public buildings were to be implement- ed across a decade in the US, ~$20 billion a year would

be spent on a complete air quality upgrade program.

For comparison, in 2021 alone, the US Department of

Defense spent $10 billion on facilities maintenance and

construction and $141 billion on weapons and systems

procurement. We use the comparison with defense

spending because biosecurity is an important com- ponent of national security and these figures demon- strate what people are willing to spend on defense, not

because we would expect government spending to fully

fund this program.

Researchers from the Institute for Progress and the

Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security demonstrate

that the COVID pandemic cost the US at least $10 tril- lion in combined economic and health losses.12 Using

their lower-bound numbers and lenient assumptions

for a future pandemic (half as destructive as COVID),

they estimate that it would be worth $50 billion to

reduce the risk of a future pandemic by 1%. Naturally,

given the optimism of these assumptions, pandemic

reduction efforts are potentially worth much more.

Based on this CHS report, we estimate that reducing

the risk of a future pandemic that is as bad as COVID

by 1% would be worth $100 billion, and it seems highly

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number may be reduced in a given population over the

month due to behavioral changes. To provide a very

rough sense of a changing epidemic, the second exam- ple (labeled “Varying R”) uses R0 until day 14, at which

point we replace R0 in the model with Rt = 1⁄2 R0

. The

code used to generate these plots can be seen here.

This transmission sketch is extremely rough on many

counts, and illustrates the need for greatly improved

models connecting building improvements with pop- ulation transmission. The elements that especially

contribute to the inaccuracy:

• As described in the introductory paragraphs, the

31 Self-correcting refers to situations like during the COVID-19 pandemic, when people appeared to dynamically adjust their behavior

based on apparent COVID-19 prevalence.

factors that went into the table had to be roughly

estimated from proxies.

• We cannot expect ideal adoption of mitigation mea- sures.

• Other pandemic-capable respiratory viruses might

have dramatically different dynamics from SARS- CoV-2.

• Further technological development of interventions

could reduce transmission even further.

• We assume there is no self-correcting behavior in

the population as a result of IAQ interventions.31

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We prioritize this program not because of obvious cost

favorability,32 but because of its capacity to address

superspreader events and international spread (e.g., by

greatly reducing transmission in airports), and because

it is a program of “passive” interventions, which do

not rely on individuals’ actions to achieve the majority

of the gains. (Contrast this with the “active” inter- ventions described in Kevin Esvelt’s “Delay, Detect,

Defend” Geneva Paper, such as equipment, resilient

production, and diagnostics.) Comprehensive pandem- ic defense programs should “stack” interventions for

dramatic reduction in transmission. The most trans- missible pathogen we know of is measles, which is

estimated to have an R0 of around 20, so an ambitious

pandemic prevention program might aim to reduce

pathogen transmission by 98%, bringing R0 of measles

to 0.4. This target would prevent a pandemic of any

measles-like or even significantly more transmissible


Overall, we can be confident that these interventions

effectively reduce pathogen load in the air, but we can- not precisely estimate their impact on population-lev- el transmission without a more robust and detailed


Bottlenecks and Funding Oppor- tunities

What are the bottlenecks?

1. Highly general, imperfect metrics: Existing air

quality metrics, such as those set by ASHRAE, are

not ideal targets for air quality interventions with the

goal of reduced infection. Targets should be found- ed on both pathogen load in a room and pathogen

load that an individual receives. The Lancet Commi- sion’s NADR may be a good metric to implement


2. Difficulty in understanding the relationship

between pathogen load and infection cases: The

relationship between inhaled pathogen load and

infection cases is unclear in general, and will be dif- ferent for different pathogens. Even given better es- 32 We have not done a cost comparison with other programs.

timates of pathogen load through a detailed model,

the research necessary to experimentally determine

the relationship between air quality and infection

rates will be complex and costly.

3. Expense of existing air cleaning systems: Install- ing GUV lights and more portable air cleaners in

rooms is expensive on a per-unit basis, and upgrad- ing ventilation systems by increasing filtration capac- ity and/or outdoor air supply involves not only up- front expense, but the additional increase in energy

costs over the lifetime of a building. Retrofits must

be made with energy efficiency in mind. In many

cases, the party responsible for such upgrades/in- stallations may not be the party to benefit from the

upgrades, or may consider the benefits uncertain.

4. Expense of improving air cleaning technology:

Improving air cleaning technology will require large

investments, particularly when considering that the

far-UVC systems needed to eliminate pathogens at a

conversational distance requires both technological

development and safety/efficacy testing. Invest- ments in both certification and testing of systems is

needed so that consumers know that they are getting

a quality product when purchasing.

5. Difficulty of wide-scale change: Wide-scale

improvements in air quality may require changes

to building codes, similar to improvements in fire

safety. Policy change can be enormously slow, and

building codes are typically the purview of individ- ual municipalities or counties, which would frag- ment a push for any policy beyond the adoption of

ASHRAE standards. Alternatively, there could be a

campaign for voluntary corporate adoption, which

would require expensive indoor air quality improve- ments to carry a significant positive reputation.

6. Public distrust of UV light: People may primar- ily associate UV light with cancer risk, and it may

be difficult to communicate technical safety details,

such as the safety of upper-room installations or the

difference between bands in the UV spectrum.

7. Public acceptance and excitement about clean

indoor air: Greater public awareness, understand- ing, and support for indoor air quality among

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• Tax subsidies: Governments could subsidize

installation of basic, known effective interventions

in schools, offices, restaurants, and other congregate

settings. (Addresses bottlenecks 3, 5, and 6.)

• Inspections and data collection on IAQ: Estab- lishments are already subject to regular health and

safety inspections, so it could be mandated that

inspectors carry a suite of indoor air quality moni- tors that measure key air pollutants such as PM2.5,


, and carbon dioxide will generate

baseline data that serves as a proxy measure for

eACH and improved indoor air quality. (Addresses

bottleneck 5.)

• Establishing an umbrella organization for IAQ

coordination: If effective leadership can be found,

it could be useful to develop a central organization

to manage the IAQ projects above, funnel funding

to projects, publish analyses of projects’ effective- ness, and oversee research and market-shaping activ- ities. (Could address all bottlenecks.)

Cost and manufacturing

Two of the key bottlenecks to the mass deployment of

IAQ interventions are the costs of existing air cleaning

systems and the costs associated with improving air

cleaning technology. There are funding opportunities

and mechanisms that could address these bottlenecks.

Given the current high relative cost of far-UVC lamps,

funding could be targeted at developing solid-state

far-UVC emitters to replace KrCl lamps (currently ex- pensive and produced by only a few manufacturers33).

As described above, frequency-doubling blue lasers on

monolithic chips is one such promising approach that

could significantly reduce the cost and increase the

efficiency and reliability of far-UVC emitters relative

to KrCl lamps. If prototypes are successful, it will be

possible to rapidly scale up manufacturing to produce

a high volume of these chips, as they are based on

common materials used for existing ubiquitous white

LEDs. In the case of 254 nm fixtures, there are also

high-power UVC-LEDs that have been recently devel- oped that use relatively little energy to operate and have

33 Some known manufacturers include: Ushio, Eden Park Illumination, and Sterilray. Ushio is the current leader in terms of lamp effica- cy/lifetime/filter quality, and was on the scene earliest.

a long operational lifespan. These may benefit from ad- ditional investment to reduce the costs of at-scale pro- duction. There could be research subsidies and prizes

for fundamental materials and manufacturing research.

At later stages of technological readiness, an advanced

market commitment (AMC), funded by government,

philanthropy, or business, could spur development of a

product by committing to a purchase once technology

meets certain specifications. AMCs already have a track

record, including examples such as Operation Warp

Speed, which incentivized COVID vaccine develop- ment and acquired COVID vaccines in the US.

As of right now, it is possible to create far-UVC LEDs,

but their efficiency is very low and it is unclear whether

they can be manufactured in a reliable and cost-ef- fective way. The blue LED was only developed in the

1990s and was considered a major breakthrough at the

time; even lower-wavelength LEDs are likely to require

the development of new semiconductors and new

manufacturing methods. However, if far-UVC LED

manufacturing can be made reliable at a high quality, it

will be possible to meet mass demand. Another option

for supporting this LED development is direct invest- ment or funding for fundamental materials and man- ufacturing research. Such funding could take the form

of, for example, support for PhD students or other

researchers working in the field, which is well within

the normal activities of several philanthropic or gov- ernmental organizations.

There may also be relatively expensive products in the

filtration and ventilation space, where costs could be

reduced, particularly by increasing the energy efficien- cy associated with HVAC systems. Expanding the use

of energy recovery ventilators (ERVS), which allow

exhausted cooling or heating energy to be recovered,

should reduce the cost of climate control.


There are opportunities to conduct both life sciences

and social research to address the bottlenecks men-

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tioned earlier.

Far-UVC safety testing: Far-UVC is a potentially

transformative intervention, and studies to develop a

safety record sufficient for wide use in humans should

be a high priority. Studies have already been successful- ly conducted on realistic 3D skin models, with intense

monitoring for damage, and some longer-term studies

on mice made deliberately susceptible to tumors. Inter- ventions of a similar risk have been proposed based on

the evidence of models. In-human longer-term studies

could be feasible on a dedicated population (possibly

an office block), with monitoring for early signs of

damage, combined with an early efficacy study.

Valid efficacy models: Creating a way to experimen- tally test the efficacy of various IAQ interventions will

be a necessary component of engendering and opti- mizing implementation over the long-term. One model

for doing so is the idea described above of randomiz- ing experimental pilots in early adopters.

CNE studies: Another approach is to utilize con- trolled natural exposure (CNE) studies, which are a

version of human challenge studies where uninfected

“recipient” volunteers are exposed to infected “donor”

volunteers. Despite their ability to provide some of the

highest-quality, cleanest quantitative data of aerosols,

transmission routes, and interventions, they are uncom- mon, with only two large-scale studies in the last two

decades - one in 2010, finishing with an attack rate too

low to be of use and one additional study planned over

the next five years.

We think that exploration of CNE studies stands to be

a valuable research contribution requiring a high level

of cooperation between fields. That said, these studies

are still in their infancy; using them to experimentally

test intervention efficacy may require significant invest- ment on the order of tens of millions of dollars.

Implementation research: There are fundable oppor- tunities around improving the implementation of IAQ

interventions such as the development of guidelines

for setting up IAQ systems to optimize performance

and address safety concerns. Another set of projects

could be centered around developing industry stan- dards for testing products and reporting output values

(e.g. Watts) for fixtures.

Public advocacy-related research: There are a range

of research projects that could inform public advoca- cy around indoor air quality as a visible, salient cause.

This includes public attitudes surveys around indoor air

quality as a cause and support for specific technologies

like GUV; early surveys already show broad support

for GUV. There could also be research around ways to

best educate the public and policymakers about indoor

air quality issues, and message-testing to encourage

adoption of indoor air quality measures.


To provide a rough estimate of the impact of a wide- spread air quality campaign in the US on endemic dis- ease burden, we made some basic assumptions about

the timeline and possible impact of a campaign, and

compared the result against a counterfactual baseline.

You can see our calculation here and input new as- sumptions to see how they affect a campaign’s impact.

This calculation demonstrates that there is a strong

benefit from widespread indoor air quality improve- ments on endemic respiratory disease burden, even

before accounting for catastrophic pandemics. This

benefit should make indoor air quality improvements

more politically viable.

Many indoor air quality projects could build on each

other and create momentum for further efforts, and

a dedicated funding pathway could coordinate several

complementary projects. For example, a useful long- term path might start by funding a set of scientific

studies. As research produces further data on inter- ventions and optimal programs, funding could be used

for dedicated advocacy and deployment in partnership

with early organizational adopters. This implementa- tion would in turn lead to iterative research and wider


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Projects in these areas could absorb significant

amounts of funding along a wide range. For example:

• $25,000 could fund the development of a detailed

infection model.

• $20M could fund a single dedicated clinical project

(e.g. something like EMIT-2).

• $200M could fund a program consisting of several

complementary projects (e.g. far-UVC light safety

studies, real-world efficacy studies for IAQ interven- tions, advocacy for improved pandemic prepared- ness standards, etc.).

Possibilities for immediate action • Early adopters will be an important part of any push

for improvements in indoor air quality, and organi- zations could begin to install upper-room GUV light

and low-wave light immediately. Philanthropists or

government bodies can be helpful here by providing

partial or full funding to corporate partners who

might not undertake this effort alone. Early adop- tion would allow efficacy data to be collected for

different offices, providing real-world data to incor- porate into detailed models.

• Far-UVC light still needs extensive safety testing. We

are aware of collaborators who are interested in de- signing and running a safety test in the near future.

• Far-UVC light still needs to be assessed for use in

close-range transmission mitigation.

• More detailed models are needed to form the basis

for improved standards; we know of at least one

researcher, Jacob Bueno de Mesquita of Lawrence

Berkeley National Laboratory, who is in the process

of developing such a model and is seeking funding

to invest more time in it. A funder could provide

funding to complete his model for about $25,000.34

• More investment is needed in solid-state far-UVC

technology, including in fundamental research of

the type normally done through academic institu- tions. There are companies working on improving

far-UVC technology, but funders could add to this

effort by supporting academic research in the area.

As a basic heuristic, a PhD student costs roughly

34 We were recently informed that Prof. Ernest P. Blatchley III of Purdue University is working on something similar, although we have

not spoken with him.

$70,000 per year, and an applied research project in

this field might take about two years to demonstrate

promise and another two to come to fruition. An ex- ample philanthropic program to support fundamen- tal research in this area might therefore support five

students for two years each, and then choose two

out of those five to support for another two years,

for a total cost under $1 million. Alternatively, a

philanthropic funder might make an investment in a

tech startup, prioritizing impact over returns (unlike

typical private investors).

Risk Factors

There are a few reasons ways IAQ interventions could

fail or even be harmful:

• IAQ interventions fail to substantially reduce global

catastrophic biorisk due to incomplete coverage, e.g.,

some studies of GUV in schools find no effect on

measles incidence because students end up catching

measles in transit to school.

• It may turn out that for catastrophic pandemic-class

pathogens, IAQ interventions are not as effective

as planned because reducing pathogen levels in the

air might not substantially reduce transmission and

infection rates, e.g., it could be the case that it is easy

to be infected by very low doses.

• It is unlikely, given the dose-infection patterns of

known pathogens, that reducing pathogens doses

would be totally ineffective. Although trans- mission sites can shift without reducing overall

transmission, reducing the speed of transmission

can still buy valuable time for countermeasures to

be enacted.

• IAQ interventions could reduce population immu- nity due to a lack of ordinary virus exposure such

that the transmissibility of biothreats is not much

reduced. It might even be the case that ordinary

airborne pathogens, like the common cold, become

more destructive to those who contract them.

• Typically, this concern does not arise when dis- cussing other pathogen routes. Environmental

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pathogen reduction has historically been enor- mously beneficial for humanity, as demonstrated

by the vast life quality and longevity increases

coming from the reduction in waterborne patho- gens.

• Far-UVC light might result in long-term safety

issues, such as effects on the skin microbiome, that

are difficult to resolve in safety studies.

• If there are long-term health issues, it may still be

the case that the expected value of mass deploy- ment of this system reduces global catastrophic

biological risk to the degree that it’s still better to

have it than not.

• However, health issues (even if they are relatively

minor) introduce legal liabilities for organizations

producing, selling, and employing this technology

and may result in consumer and public sentiment

being hostile to this technology and any associat- ed organizations.

• GUV could produce harmful pollutants through

interaction with particles and gasses in the air, which

negatively impact respiratory health.

• These pollutants could be addressed by filtration,

but filtration would have to be used comprehen- sively in order to completely counteract the effect,

which would correspondingly raise the price of

UV light installation.

• It is likely that it would still be net beneficial to

install far-UVC lights in high-risk places; detailed

cost-benefit analyses are needed for various envi- ronments.

• There could be some form of risk compensation,

where people overestimate the benefit of this tech- nology and after adopting it, become less inclined to

use other biorisk-reducing measures (e.g. PPE, social


• Encouraging the adoption of filtration and up- per-room UV now may make it more difficult to get

far-UVC light installed in public indoor spaces later

because of an infrastructure “lock-in” effect, where

an incumbent technology prevents the take-up of

potentially superior alternatives.

• Regulation on dosage for far-UVC light could be set

at levels that are too low for reducing the chance of

existential biorisk (e.g. reducing transmissibility of a

measles-equivalent agent).

• There could be a negative shift in public perception

of IAQ interventions unrelated to actual health

issues, which prevents mass deployment (similar to

anti-vaccine sentiment).

• The FDA could classify specific IAQ interventions

as medical devices, subjecting them to constraining

regulations and making widespread deployment

more difficult.

• Doing a poor job with the rollout of IAQ interven- tions or attempts at altering standards and regula- tions might “poison the well” for better attempts

later, e.g. due to a very small number of high-profile


• Adversaries could start incorporating IAQ interven- tions into their plans for developing and deploying

pandemic-class agents.

• This is probably minimally relevant as GUV de- nies adversaries several attack vectors, making the

chance of a successful attack less likely.

• It is probably difficult to develop agents that can

withstand high enough levels of UVC light, but if

placement is partial then adversaries may be able

to exploit gaps. Multi-wavelength systems would

be even more difficult to work around.

• UV light degrades plastics over time and plastic is

ubiquitous in our daily environments.

• Boeing found no mechanical degradation in

plastics from simulating an airplane interior

disinfection process using far-UVC (although the

exposure time was significantly lower than would

occur if far-UVC were broadly implemented for

reduction in disease transmission).

• Different plastics are affected to different degrees

and strengthening/protective additives can avert

the degradation, so much of the issue could be

avoided through careful materials choice.

• Generally, the rate of degradation may overall be

negligible compared with the standard lifetime of

consumer products.

Many of these risk factors can be mitigated by the

activities recommended in this report (e.g., developing