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News» {{qctrl.question.primaryProject.name}}

Forecast Fridays

by christian {{qctrl.question.publish_time | dateStr}} Edited on {{qctrl.question.edited_time | dateStr}} {{"estimatedReadingTime" | translate:({minutes: qctrl.question.estimateReadingTime()})}}
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    No Forecast Friday events are currently scheduled, but we will share as soon as there is an update!

    Hello Metaculus community! Are you interested in how top forecasters predict the future? Curious how other people are reacting to the forecasts in the main feed?

    Click here to go to Gather Town. Then take the Metaculus portal.

    Add Forecast Fridays to your Google Calendar, or click here for other formats.

    Featured speakers lead sessions in the Forensic Friday area. Afterward, attendees are welcome to continue the discussion with the speaker, or to visit:

    • Feedback Friday, where you can share your feedback and ideas directly with the Metaculus team
    • Friday Frenzy, a spirited discussion about the forecasts on questions on the front page of the main feed
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