Or, where do aspiring grant reviewers/decision-makers go to practice the basics?
I want to improve at evaluating leverage, traction, potential impact, meaningfulness. I only have a little money to practice with, so I'm looking for places with low transaction minimums and lots of projects, which provide some kind of feedback within a few months. Kiva and Experiment are the two sandboxes where I currently play. In the past year, I have selected 11 Experiment projects (pledges of $20-$75 each) and 20 Kiva loans ($25 each). I've made a few one-time charity donations of similar amounts too, but I'm more likely to follow up later and check on how my selections went when they are conveniently collected in a list for me. Thank you!
Thank you - exploring GlobalGiving now. I'd love to hear about your experience practicing, if you're willing to share!