My name is James, and I am graduating college next year. I am considering starting an EA-supportive non profit. I want to learn about what problems EAs are facing in carrying out their work. I’m inviting the broadest answers, from “I spend too much time meal-prepping,” to “there’s no software solution for x.”
If you have the time to leave an answer, please tell me where you are located.
- What solvable problems are slowly down your EA work?
- What product/service did you wish existed to assist you as an EA?
So, why do people still cook at home (at least most of the time)? Well, obviously, eating out every meal tends to be more expensive than cooking at home. This price difference can perhaps be best explained by taking a look at the cost structure of the average restaurant. Labor and food are the two largest cost categories of food service businesses, both make up ~30% of total operating costs. Meanwhile, when you prepare food yourself, labor is free, so you only pay for the food itself. There is also no value-added / sales tax or tip that gets added to your bill, unlike when eating out.
If one could cut down the labor cost percentage significantly, that would help reduce the prices restaurants have to charge. However, I am not sure how to do that.
@James-Hartree-Law @Mihkel Viires 🔹
Meal replacement bars like Soylent (or Huel) seem healthier+quicker+cheaper than eating out: