Accidental harm

Leo (+76/-25)
Leo (+20)
Leo (+15/-12)
Leo (+41/-6)
Pablo (+36/-33)
MichaelA (+88) Added a reference (not properly formatted, sorry)
Leo (+12/-15)
MichaelA Copyedit + sentence case for title, as per style guide
Leo (+98/-76)

Kokotajlo, Daniel & Alexandra Oprea (2020) Counterproductive Altruism:altruism: The Other Heavy Tailother heavy tail, Philosophical Perspectives, vol. 34, pp. 134–163.

Wikipedia (2021)(2002) Unintended consequences, Wikipedia, October 1 (updated 20 April 2021).
See in particular, "Unexpected drawbacks" and "Perverse results", not "Unintended benefits".

Hilton, Samuel (2019) Managing risk in the EA policy space, Effective Altruism Forum, December 9.

Managing risk in the EA policy space, Effective Altruism Forum, December 9.

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