Against Malaria Foundation

Pablo (+3/-2)
Pablo (+138)
Leo (+180/-228)
Leo (+4/-4)
Leo (+8/-8)
Leo (+481/-18)
Pablo (+158/-9)
Pablo (+159)
Leo (+11/-14)
Leo (+48/-56)

As of June 2022, AMF has received over $58 million in funding from Open Philanthropy,[12] and over 6.$6.5 million from Effective Altruism Funds.[13][14][15] 

As of July 2022, GiveWell estimates that AMF can deliver a LLIN at a cost of about $5, and that a donation to AMF has an average cost-effectiveness of $4,$5,500 per life saved.[7][8][9]  (The cost of delivering a net is much lower than the cost of saving a life because a small fraction of people who receive a net would otherwise have died of malaria, and because of other factors.)[10]8]

AMF has been a GiveWell top-rated charity every year since 2010, with the exception of 2013, when it was excluded from their ranking due to lack of room for more funding .[11]10] AMF is also included in The Life You Can Save's list of "best charities".[12]11]

As of June 2022, AMF has received over $58 million in funding from Open Philanthropy,[13]12] and over 6.5 million from Effective Altruism Funds.[13][14][15][16] 

AMF is a highly transparent organization. The AMF website lists every donation received[17]16] and every LLIN distributed,[18]17] as well as other pertinent information.[19]18]

  1. ^

    Against Malaria Foundation (2010) About us, Against Malaria Foundation.

  2. ^

    Against Malaria Foundation (2021) History, Against Malaria Foundation.

  3. ^

    Mather, Rob (2020) AMA: Rob Mather, founder and CEO of the Against Malaria Foundation, Effective Altruism Forum, January 22.

  4. ^
  5. ^

    GiveWell (2020) Insecticide resistance and malaria control, GiveWell, November.

  6. ^

    Sherratt, Peter (2019) PBO net trial results released (to 18 months), Against Malaria Foundation, November 21.

  7. ^

    GiveWell (2021)(2022) Against Malaria FoundationOur top charities, GiveWell, November.July.

  8. ^

    GiveWell (2021) Our top charities, GiveWell, November.

  9. ^
  10. ^

    GiveWell (2021)(2022) How we produce impact estimates, GiveWell, November.July. 

  11. ^
  12. ^
  13. ^

    The Life You Can Save (2021) Against Malaria Foundation, The Life You Can Save.

  14. ^

    Open Philanthropy (2022) Grants database: Against Malaria Foundation, Open Philanthropy.

  15. ^

    Global Health and Development Fund (2017) April 2017: Against Malaria Foundation, Effective Altruism Funds, April.

  16. ^

    Global Health and Development Fund (2021) February 2021: Global Health and Development Fund grants, Effective Altruism Funds, February.

  17. ^

    Global Health and Development Fund (2022) January 2022: Against Malaria Foundation, Effective Altruism Funds, January.

  18. ^

    Against Malaria Foundation (2021) Sponsors and donors, Against Malaria Foundation.

  19. ^

    Against Malaria Foundation (2021) Net distributions — world, Against Malaria Foundation.

  20. ^

    Against Malaria Foundation (2021) Transparency, Against Malaria Foundation.

As of JuneJuly 2022, GiveWell estimates that AMF can deliver a LLIN at a cost of about $5, and that a donation to AMF has an average cost-effectiveness of $4,500 per life saved.[7][8][9]  (The cost of delivering a net is much lower than the cost of saving a life because a small fraction of people who receive a net would otherwise have died of malaria, and because of other factors.)[10]

As of MarchJune 2022, GiveWell estimates that AMF can deliver a LLIN at a cost of about $5, and that a donation to AMF has an average cost-effectiveness of $4,500 per life saved.[7][8][9]  (The cost of delivering a net is much lower than the cost of saving a life because a small fraction of people who receive a net would otherwise have died of malaria, and because of other factors.)[10]

As of MayJune 2022, AMF has received over $58 million in funding from Open Philanthropy,[13] and over 6.5 million from Effective Altruism Funds.[14][15][16] 

As of May 2022, AMF has received over $58 million in funding from Open Philanthropy.,[13] and over 6.5 million from Effective Altruism Funds.[14][15][16] 

AMF is a highly transparent organization. The AMF website lists every donation received[14]17] and every LLIN distributed,[15]18] as well as other pertinent information.[16]19]

  1. ^

    Against Malaria Foundation (2010) About us, Against Malaria Foundation.

  2. ^

    Against Malaria Foundation (2021) History, Against Malaria Foundation.

  3. ^

    Mather, Rob (2020) AMA: Rob Mather, founder and CEO of the Against Malaria Foundation, Effective Altruism Forum, January 22.

  4. ^
  5. ^

    GiveWell (2020) Insecticide resistance and malaria control, GiveWell, November.

  6. ^

    Sherratt, Peter (2019) PBO net trial results released (to 18 months), Against Malaria Foundation, November 21.

  7. ^

    GiveWell (2021) Against Malaria Foundation, GiveWell, November.

  8. ^

    GiveWell (2021) Our top charities, GiveWell, November.

  9. ^
  10. ^

    GiveWell (2021) How we produce impact estimates, GiveWell, November.

  11. ^
  12. ^

    The Life You Can Save (2021) Against Malaria Foundation, The Life You Can Save.

  13. ^

    Open Philanthropy (2022) Grants databasedatabase: Against Malaria Foundation, Open Philanthropy.

  14. ^

    Global Health and Development Fund (2017) April 2017: Against Malaria Foundation, Effective Altruism Funds, April.

  15. ^

    Global Health and Development Fund (2021) February 2021: Global Health and Development Fund grants, Effective Altruism Funds, February.

  16. ^

    Global Health and Development Fund (2022) January 2022: Against Malaria Foundation, Effective Altruism Funds, January.

  17. ^

    Against Malaria Foundation (2021) Sponsors and donors, Against Malaria Foundation.

  18. ^

    Against Malaria Foundation (2021) Net distributions — world, Against Malaria Foundation.

  19. ^

    Against Malaria Foundation (2021) Transparency, Against Malaria Foundation.

As of May 2022, AMF has received over $58 million in funding from Open Philanthropy.[13]

AMF is a highly transparent organization. The AMF website lists every donation received[13]14] and every LLIN distributed,[14]15] as well as other pertinent information.[15]16]

  1. ^

    Against Malaria Foundation (2010) About us, Against Malaria Foundation.

  2. ^

    Against Malaria Foundation (2021) History, Against Malaria Foundation.

  3. ^

    Mather, Rob (2020) AMA: Rob Mather, founder and CEO of the Against Malaria Foundation, Effective Altruism Forum, January 22.

  4. ^
  5. ^

    GiveWell (2020) Insecticide resistance and malaria control, GiveWell, November.

  6. ^

    Sherratt, Peter (2019) PBO net trial results released (to 18 months), Against Malaria Foundation, November 21.

  7. ^

    GiveWell (2021) Against Malaria Foundation, GiveWell, November.

  8. ^

    GiveWell (2021) Our top charities, GiveWell, November.

  9. ^
  10. ^

    GiveWell (2021) How we produce impact estimates, GiveWell, November.

  11. ^
  12. ^

    The Life You Can Save (2021) Against Malaria Foundation, The Life You Can Save.

  13. ^

    Open Philanthropy (2022) Grants database, Open Philanthropy.

  14. ^

    Against Malaria Foundation (2021) Sponsors and donors, Against Malaria Foundation.

  15. ^

    Against Malaria Foundation (2021) Net distributions — world, Against Malaria Foundation.

  16. ^

    Against Malaria Foundation (2021) Transparency, Against Malaria Foundation.

GiveWell (2021) Against Malaria Foundation, GiveWell, November.

Sánchez, Sebastián et al (2021) Timeline of Against Malaria Foundation, Timelines Wiki.

External links

Against Malaria Foundation. Official website.

Donate to Against Malaria Foundation.

As of December 2021,March 2022, GiveWell estimates that AMF can deliver a LLIN at a cost of about $5, and that a donation to AMF has an average cost-effectiveness of $4,500 per life saved.[7][8][9]  (The cost of delivering a net is much lower than the cost of saving a life because a small fraction of people who receive a net would otherwise have died of malaria, and because of other factors.)[10]

  1. ^

    Against Malaria Foundation (2010) About us, Against Malaria Foundation.

  2. ^

    Against Malaria Foundation (2021d)(2021) History, Against Malaria Foundation.

  3. ^

    Mather, Rob (2020) AMA: Rob Mather, founder and CEO of the Against Malaria Foundation, Effective Altruism Forum, January 22.

  4. ^
  5. ^

    GiveWell (2020) Insecticide resistance and malaria control, GiveWell, November.

  6. ^

    Sherratt, Peter (2019) PBO net trial results released (to 18 months), Against Malaria Foundation, November 21.

  7. ^

    GiveWell (2021a)(2021) Against Malaria Foundation, GiveWell, November.

  8. ^

    GiveWell (2021b)(2021) Our top charities, GiveWell, November.

  9. ^

    GiveWell (2021c)(2021) 2021 GiveWell cost-effectiveness analysis — version 3, GiveWell, July 6.

  10. ^

    GiveWell (2021d)(2021) How we produce impact estimates, GiveWell, November.

  11. ^
  12. ^

    The Life You Can Save (2021) Against Malaria Foundation, The Life You Can Save.

  13. ^

    Against Malaria Foundation (2021a)(2021) Sponsors and donors, Against Malaria Foundation.

  14. ^

    Against Malaria Foundation (2021b)(2021) Net distributions — world, Against Malaria Foundation.

  15. ^

    Against Malaria Foundation (2021c)(2021) Transparency, Against Malaria Foundation.

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