
Lizka (+179)
Leo (+25)
Pablo (+7/-115) reverting to the latest version of the article prior to vandalism (note that the spammer's edits have been expunged from the edit history)
Pablo (+149/-21)
Pablo (+15/-65)
Pablo (+36/-99)
Pablo (+27/-42)
Tessa (+26) add human compatible
Tessa (+156) add tags for individual EA books
MichaelA (+5/-5) Sentence case for tag names, as per the style guide

If you're looking for summaries and reviews, you might also find LessWrong's "Book reviews" tag relevant. On the Forum, the "collections and resources" tag might also be related. 

The EA books tag covers posts about books.books, whether they are directly about EA or just relevant to EA cause areas.

Related entries

Some EA books have their own tag: The Precipice | Doing Good Better (Book) | Poor Economics (Book) | Superintelligence (Book) | The Life You Can Save (Book) | Human Compatible (Book)

The effective altruism books tag covers posts about books, whether they are directly about EA or just relevant to EA cause areas.books.

Some EA books related to effective altruism have their own entries: The Precipice | Doing Good Better | Poor Economics | Superintelligence | The Life You Can Save | Human Compatible

The EAeffective altruism books tag covers posts about books, whether they are directly about EA or just relevant to EA cause areas.

Some EA books have their own tag: entries: The Precipice | Doing Good Better (Book) | Poor Economics (Book) | Superintelligence (Book) | The Life You Can Save (Book) | Human Compatible (Book)

The EA Booksbooks tag covers posts about books, whether they are directly about EA or just relevant to EA cause areas.

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