Collections and resources

Amber Dawn (+5/-3)
Lizka (+231/-73)
Leo (+44/-37)
MichaelA (+20/-20) Sentence case for tag name, as per style guide
GidiKadosh (+70) The post "List of EA-related organisations" is a strong case for why we should refer to EAHub's team people are willing to invest in collections
Aaron Gertler (+86/-82)
EdoArad (+141)

The collections and resources tagtopic covers posts containing lists of EA-related resources. These could be external links or curated Forum content.

External linksFurther reading

Aird, Michael (2020) Suggestion: EAs should post more summaries and collections, Effective Altruism Forum, March 9.

Related entries

EA Hub / Resources. Community-related collectionsResearch agendas, questions, and resources.project lists | writing advice | types of post and content

The collections and resources tag covers posts containing lists of EA-related resources. These could be external links or curated Forum content. 

External links

EA Hub / Resources. Community-related collections and resources can be found on the EAHub.resources.

The Collectionscollections and Resourcesresources tag covers posts containing lists of EA-related resources. These could be external links or curated Forum content. 

The Collections and Resources tag covers posts containing lists of EA-related resources. These could be external links or curated Forum content. 
Community-related collections and resources can be found on the EAHub.

ThisThe Collections and Resources tag is aboutcovers posts containing lists and materials that would be of benefit for people in EA.EA-related resources. These could be external links or curation of forumcurated Forum content. 

This tag is about lists and materials that would be of benefit for people in EA. These could be external links or curation of forum content.