Community infrastructure

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  • building tools or websites such as wikis, forums, tools, and platforms
  • offering cross-cutting services like shared services to EA organizations
  • offline events such as conferences,conferences, community houses, and regional networks
  • coordination tools such as donor lotteries

This can include: 

Examples include: EA Forum, EA Funds, EA Hub, the EA Hub Resources, EA Global conferences, Project incubation (e.g. Charity Entrepreneurship) and the international EA event calendar.calendar.


cafelow (2020) Connecting with online EA events, Effective Altruism Forum, April 16.

External links

EA Hub/Resources. A collection of resources about effective altruism.

International Effective Altruism Events Calendar.

Use the Community Infrastructureinfrastructure tag on posts that discussrefers to potential and current community-wide products, tools, services or mechanisms that enable intra intra-community coordination.

This can include include: 

  • building tools or websites such as wikis,wikis, forums, tools, platforms; and platforms
  • offering cross-cutting services like shared services to EA organizations; and organizations
  • offline events such as conferences, community houses, and regional networks; networks
  • coordination tools such as donor lotteries and more.
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