Discussion norms

Leo (+10/-9)
Leo (+130/-13)
Pablo (+26)
Leo (+21)
Leo (+35)
MichaelA (+16/-16) Sentence case for tag names, as per style guide
Aaron Gertler (+111/-147)
Vaidehi Agarwalla (+172)

Vaintrob, Lizka Vaintrob (2022) Guide to norms on the Forum, Effective Altruism Forum, April 28.

The discussion norms tag covers posts that suggest or promote norms around how people ought to hold discussions within the EA community.effective altruism community.

Further reading

Lizka Vaintrob (2022) Guide to norms on the Forum, Effective Altruism Forum, April 28.

The Discussion Normsdiscussion norms tag covers posts that suggest or promote norms around how people ought to hold discussions within the EA community.

Posts about suggestedThe Discussion Norms tag covers posts that suggest or encouragedpromote norms around how people ought to hold discussions within the EA community on how to interact with other EAs, which may often relate to being supportive, welcoming and considerate. community.

Posts about suggested or encouraged norms within the EA community on how to interact with other EAs, which may often relate to being supportive, welcoming and considerate.