Donation matching

Pablo (+351/-164)
Leo (+3)
Leo (+43/-10)
Cullen (+190)

The donationDonation matching tag covers discussion of real(also known as match funding, matched giving and purported opportunitiesmatching funds) is an initiative in which a large funder (often an employer) matches individual contributions according to have donations matched by other donors, and discussion of the effectiveness of these opportunities. a predetermined match ratio (usually 1:1).

Further reading

Kuhn, Ben (2015) Does donation matching work?, Ben Kuhn’s Blog, January.

Related entries

EA Giving Tuesday | effective giving

The donation matching tag covers discussion of real and purported opportunities to have donations matched by other donors, and discussion of the effectiveness of these opportunities. EA Giving Tuesday is one prominent example.

DiscussionThe donation matching tag covers discussion of real and purported opportunities to have donations matched by other donors, and discussion of the effectiveness of these opportunities. Giving Tuesday is one prominent example.

Discussion of real and purported opportunities to have donations matched by other donors, and discussion of the effectiveness of these opportunities. Giving Tuesday is one prominent example.