Effective Altruism Global

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Aaron Gertler (+97)
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Effective Altruism Global (also(EAG; also spelled EA Global, and abbreviated EAG) is a recurring effective altruism conference series.

Effective Altruism Global (also spelled EA Global, and abbreviated EAG) is a recurring effective altruism conference series.

Past EA Global speakers include Nick Beckstead, Liv Boeree, Nick Bostrom, George Church, Olivia Fox Cabane, Paul Christiano, Eric Drexler, Kevin Esvelt, Bruce Friedrich, Julia Galef, Rachel Glennerster, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Hilary Greaves, A. J. Jacobs, Holden Karnofsky, Ezra Klein, Michael Kremer, Robin Hanson, William MacAskill, Jason Gaverick Matheny,Matheny, Elon Musk, Toby Ord, Stuart Russell, Peter Singer, Cass Sunstein, Jaan Tallinn, Philip Tetlock, Kelsey Piper, Cari Tuna and Eliezer Yudkowsky, among others.

Do not use this tag for EA Global talks, unless the talks themselves are about EA Global.

Please avoid using this tag forPast EA Global talks, unless the talks themselves are about EA Global.speakers include Nick Beckstead, Liv Boeree, Nick Bostrom, George Church, Olivia Fox Cabane, Paul Christiano, Eric Drexler, Kevin Esvelt, Bruce Friedrich, Julia Galef, Rachel Glennerster, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Hilary Greaves, A. J. Jacobs, Holden Karnofsky, Ezra Klein, Michael Kremer, Robin Hanson, William MacAskill, Jason Gaverick Matheny, Elon Musk, Toby Ord, Stuart Russell, Peter Singer, Cass Sunstein, Jaan Tallinn, Philip Tetlock, Kelsey Piper, Cari Tuna and Eliezer Yudkowsky, among others.

EA Global. EAEffective Altruism Forum account with links to videos and transcripts.

Please avoid using this tag for EA Global talks, unless the talks themselves are about EA Global.

Most EA Global talks are recorded, and many have full transcripts. You can find

External links

EA Global. Official website.

EA Global. EA Forum account with links to videos and transcripts on this Forum account.transcripts.

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