Estimation of existential risk

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Estimation of existential risk is the set of methods for assessing the probability of human extinction and other existential catastrophes.

Bostrom, Nick (2002) Existential risks: Analyzing human extinction scenarios and related hazards, Journal of evolution and technology, vol. 9.
The section “Assessing the Probability of Existential Risks” discusses methods of existential risk estimation.

Goth, Aidan &Aidan, Stephen Clare (2020)& Christian Ruhl (2022) Dr.Professor Philip Tetlock’s forecasting research on improving judgments of existential risk, Founders Pledge, November 27.
This report discusses plans for "work on methodological questions with an eye towards hosting a forecasting tournament focused on global catastrophic risks in summer 2021."March 8.

Goth, Aidan & Stephen Clare (2020) Dr. Philip Tetlock’s forecasting research, Founders Pledge, November 27.
This report discusses plans for "work on methodological questions with an eye towards hosting a forecasting tournament focused on global catastrophic risks in summer 2021. [Tetlock and a collaborator] call this “second generation forecasting”: forecasting that predicts events over longer timescales and in the face of deep uncertainty.", Aidan & Stephen Clare (2020) Dr. Philip Tetlock’s forecasting research, Founders Pledge, November 27.
This discusses plans for "work on methodological questions with an eye towards hosting a forecasting tournament focused on global catastrophic risks in summer 2021. [Tetlock and a collaborator] call this “second generation forecasting”: forecasting that predicts events over longer timescales and in the face of deep uncertainty."

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