
Pablo (+247/-286)
Leo (+15/-12)
Leo (-31)
MichaelA (+119) Added a ref
MichaelA (+7/-7) Sentence case for headings, as per style guide
MichaelA (+32/-35) I thought field building wasn't *only* for academic fields, and Open Phil's "case studies" report seems to use the term for both research & advocacy and both academic and non-academic. Tweaked to reflect that.
MichaelA (+102/-62) Tweaked for clarity + Added to Related entries
MichaelA (+11) Added to Related entries

Field Field-building refers to influencing existing fields of research or advocacy or developing new ones, through advocacy, creating organisations,  or funding people to work in the field.

Examples of field field-building activities include scholarships and teaching buyouts (e.g. Forethought Foundation, several grantmakers); Charity Entrepreneurship’s Incubation Program (Charity Entrepreneurship 2021);Program;[1] Future of Humanity Institute’s Research Scholars Programme (Hadshar 2020);Programme;[2] and conferences (such as Effective Altruism Global).

Charity Entrepreneurship (2021) Incubation Program, Charity Entrepreneurship.

Hadshar, Rose (2020) What FHI’s Research Scholars Programme is like: views from scholars, Effective Altruism Forum, August 11, 2020.

  1. ^

    Charity Entrepreneurship (2021) Incubation Program, Charity Entrepreneurship.

  2. ^

    Hadshar, Rose (2020) What FHI’s Research Scholars Programme is like: views from scholars, Effective Altruism Forum, August 11, 2020.

Field building refers to influencing existing fields of research or advocacy or developing new ones, through advocacy, creating organisations,  or funding people to work in the field. 

academia | community building strategy | network building | research training programs

Field building refers to influencing existing academic disciplinesfields of research or fieldsadvocacy or developing new ones, through advocacy, creating organisations,  or funding academicspeople to work in the field. 

Field building is the development of new or therefers to influencing of existing academic disciplines or fields or developing new ones, through advocacy, the creation of newcreating organisations,  or the funding academics to work in thisthe field. 

Examples of field building activities include scholarships and teaching buyouts (e.g. Forethought Foundation, several grantmakers); Charity Entrepreneurship’s Incubation Program (Charity Entrepreneurship 2021); Future of Humanity Institute’s Research Scholars Programme (Hadshar 2020); and conferences (such as Effective Altruism Global).

academia | community building strategy | network building | research training programs

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