
Pablo (+26)
Pablo (+74/-105)
Leo (+15/-12)
Leo (+60/-19)
MichaelA (+15/-18) Copyedit
MichaelA (+95/-7) Added Further reading with a link to a new collection I made of relevant non-Forum sources
Leo (+25/-10)
Aaron Gertler (+11/-8)
MichaelA (+69/-130)
EdoArad (+73)

For history of the Effective Altruism movement and ideas specifically, see history of effective altruism.

Related entries

history of effective altruism | history of existential risk

Further readingBibliography

AirdAird, Michael (2021) Collection of EA-associated historical case study research, Effective Altruism Forum, June 4.

The Historyhistory tag is for posts that are strongly focused on historical events or trends (rather than just mentioning these things briefly), or that discuss or make heavy use of historical research methods.

##Further reading Aird (2021) Collection of EA-associated historical case study research

The Historytag is for posts that are strongly focused on historical events or trends (rather than just mentioning these things briefly), or that discuss or make heavy use of historical research methods. 

For history of the Effective Altruism movement and ideas specifically, see Historyhistory of EAeffective altruism.

For history of the Effective Altruism movement and ideas specifically, see History of EA History.

The History tag is for posts that are strongly focused on historical events or trends which don't necessarily connect to other tags (e.g., a post on the history of nuclear weapons should go in that tag instead)(rather than just mentioning these things briefly), or that discuss or make heavy use of historical research methods. 

For history of the Effective Altruism movement and ideas,ideas specifically, see EA History.

The History tag is for posts that are strongly focused on historical events or trends which don't necessarily connect to other tags (e.g., a post on the history of nuclear weapons should go in that tag instead), or that discuss or make heavy use of historical research methods. For history of the Effective Altruism movement and ideas, see EA History.

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