Invertebrate welfare

Leo (+15/-12)
Pablo (+105)
Leo (+86/-52)
Pablo (-32)
MichaelA (+52) Added a Further reading section with a relevant site
Leo (+32)
Pablo (+37/-58)
Pablo (+21/-20)
Pablo (+114/-74)
Pablo (+7/-7)


Schukraft, Jason (2019) Invertebrate welfare cause profile, Effective Altruism Forum, July 9.

Further readingExternal links Welfare . A compilation of research on invertebrate welfare.

Related entries

For discussion of animals that are farmed by humans, see farmed animal welfare. | wild animal welfare

Invertebrate welfare is the study of the distribution of sentience across invertebratesinvertebrates, and of interventions aimed at improving the welfare of these animals.

For discussion of animals that are farmed by humans, see farmed animal aelfarewelfare.

Invertebrate welfareposts discuss ideas is the study of the distribution of sentience across invertebrates and of interventions related toaimed at improving the welfare of invertebrates. these animals.

For discussion of animals that are farmed by humans, see the Farmed Animal Welfarefarmed animal aelfare tag..

Invertebrate Welfarewelfare posts discuss ideas and interventions related to improving the welfare of invertebrates. For discussion of animals that are farmed by humans, see the Farmed Animal Welfare tag.

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