Liv Boeree

Pablo (+522)
Pablo (+117)

Olivia "Liv" Boeree (born 18 July 1984) is a British poker player and the co-founder of Raising for Effective Giving.  As measured by lifetime money winnings, Boeree ranks among the top ten female poker players of all time.[1]

Further reading

Boeree, Liv (2018) How an 18th-century priest gave us the tools to make better decisions, Vox, November 30.

Zhang, Linchuan (2016) The poker pro who wants to save the world, Huffington Post, November 21.

External links

Liv Boeree. Official website.

Related entries

effective giving | Longview Philanthropy | Raising for Effective Giving

  1. ^

    The Hendon Mob (2022) Women’s all time money list, The Hendon Mob.

Olivia "Liv" Boeree (born 18 July 1984) is a British poker player and the co-founder of Raising for Effective Giving.