New Incentives

Leo (+11/-11)
Leo (+141/-124)
Leo (+38/-19)
Leo (+16)
Pablo (+66)
Pablo (+215/-85)
Leo (+26)
Leo (+11/-14)
Leo (+6/-7)
Leo (+106/-208)

New Incentives has been a GiveWell top-rated charity since 2020.[1] GiveWell estimates that New Incentives can vaccinate an infant at a cost of about $142,$160, and that a donation to New Incentives has an average cost-effectiveness of $4,500$5,000 per life saved.[2][3][4] (The cost of incentivizing a caregiver to complete a baby's immunization schedule is much lower than the cost of saving a life because a small fraction of children who receive immunization would otherwise have died from the diseases that immunization confers protection against, and because of other factors.)[3]

New Incentives has been a GiveWell top-rated charity since 2020.[1] GiveWell estimates that New Incentives can vaccinate an infant at a cost of about $142, and that a donation to New Incentives has an average cost-effectiveness of $4,500 per life saved.[1][2][3][4] (The cost of incentivizing a caregiver to complete a baby's immunization schedule is much lower than the cost of saving a life because a small fraction of children who receive immunization would otherwise have died from the diseases that immunization confers protection against, and because of other factors.)[4]3]

  1. ^

    GiveWell (2020) New Incentives, GiveWell, November.

  2. ^

    GiveWell (2021)(2022) Our top charities, GiveWell, November.July.

  3. ^
  4. ^

    GiveWell (2021)(2022) How we produce impact estimates, GiveWell, November.July. 

  5. ^
  6. ^

    Open Philanthropy (2022) Grants database: New Incentives, Open Philanthropy.

  7. ^

    The Life You Can Save (2021) Best charities, The Life You Can Save.

As of MayJuly 2022, New Incentives has received over $26nearly $42 million in funding from Open Philanthropy,[5] and is also featured in The Life You Can Save's list of "best charities".[6]

  1. ^

    GiveWell (2020) New Incentives, GiveWell, November.

  2. ^

    GiveWell (2021) Our top charities, GiveWell, November.

  3. ^
  4. ^

    GiveWell (2021) How we produce impact estimates, GiveWell, November.

  5. ^

    Open Philanthropy (2022)Grants databasedatabase: New Incentives, Open Philanthropy.

  6. ^

    The Life You Can Save (2021) Best charities, The Life You Can Save.

Further reading

GiveWell (2020) New Incentives, GiveWell, November.

As of March 2022,New Incentives has been a GiveWell top-rated charity since 2020.[1] GiveWell estimates that New Incentives can vaccinate an infant at a cost of about $142, and that a donation to New Incentives has an average cost-effectiveness of $4,500 per life saved.[1][2][3] (The cost of incentivizing a caregiver to complete a baby's immunization schedule is much lower than the cost of saving a life because a small fraction of children who receive immunization would otherwise have died from the diseases whichthat immunization confers protection against, and because of other factors.)[4]

As of May 2022, New Incentives has been a GiveWell top-rated charity since 2020.received over $26 million in funding from Open Philanthropy,[1]5] New Incentivesand is also featured in The Life You Can Save's list of "best charities".[5]6]

  1. ^

    GiveWell (2020) New Incentives, GiveWell, November.

  2. ^

    GiveWell (2021) Our top charities, GiveWell, November.

  3. ^
  4. ^

    GiveWell (2021) How we produce impact estimates, GiveWell, November.

  5. ^

    Open Philanthropy (2022) Grants database, Open Philanthropy.

  6. ^

    The Life You Can Save (2021) Best charities, The Life You Can Save.

As of December 2021,March 2022, GiveWell estimates that New Incentives can vaccinate an infant at a cost of about $142, and that a donation to New Incentives has an average cost-effectiveness of $4,500 per life saved.[1][2][3] (The cost of incentivizing a caregiver to complete a baby's immunization schedule is much lower than the cost of saving a life because a small fraction of children who receive immunization would otherwise have died from the diseases which immunization confers protection against, and because of other factors.)[4]

  1. ^

    GiveWell (2020) New Incentives, GiveWell, November.

  2. ^

    GiveWell (2021) Our top charities, GiveWell, November.

  3. ^
  4. ^

    GiveWell (2021c)(2021) How we produce impact estimates, GiveWell, November.

  5. ^

    The Life You Can Save (2021) Best charities, The Life You Can Save.

As of December 2021, GiveWell estimates that New Incentives can vaccinate an infant at a cost of about $142, and that a donation to New Incentives has an average cost-effectiveness of $4,500 per life saved (GiveWell 2020; GiveWell 2021a; GiveWell 2021b). (Thesaved.[1][2][3] (The cost of incentivizing a caregiver to complete a baby's immunization schedule is much lower than the cost of saving a life because a small fraction of children who receive immunization would otherwise have died from the diseases which immunization confers protection against, and because of other factors (GiveWell 2021c).factors.)[4]

New Incentives has been a GiveWell top-rated charity since 2020 (GiveWell 2020b).2020.[1] New Incentives is also featured in The Life You Can Save's list of "best charities" (The Life You Can Save 2021).[5]

BibliographyExternal links

New Incentives. Official website.

  1. ^

    GiveWell (2020) New Incentives, GiveWell, November.

  2. ^

    GiveWell (2021a)(2021) Our top charities, GiveWell, November.

  3. ^

    GiveWell (2021b)(2021) 2021 GiveWell cost-effectiveness analysis — version 3, GiveWell, July 6.

  4. ^

    GiveWell (2021c) How we produce impact estimates, GiveWell, November.

  5. ^

    The Life You Can Save (2021) Best charities, The Life You Can Save.

    External links

    New Incentives. Official website.

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