Scientific progress

Leo (+11/-12)
MichaelA (+37/-38) Sentence case for tag names, as per style guide
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Leo (+26)
MichaelA (+18) Added econ growth to related entries
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Pablo (+37/-31)
EdoArad (+121)
MichaelA (+31/-8)

Use theThe Scientific Progressscientific progress tag is for posts about:

For posts about more specific aspects of the scientific ecosystem and how that can be improved, use the Meta-Sciencemeta-science tag.

For posts about more specific aspects of the scientific ecosystem and how that can be improved, use the Meta-Science tag.

Use the Scientific Progress tag for posts about:

  • The potential risks and benefits of progress in different areas
  • Strategies for changing the rate of progress in different areas
  • General information related to progress (e.g. factors that tend to encourage it)
  • Specific examples of progress (e.g. a major advance in an important scientific field)

See also Differential Progress.

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