
Pablo (+32)
Pablo (+133)
MichaelA (+72) Related entries
EricHerboso (+23/-9) added the EA Wiki to the forefront
MichaelA (+6/-5)
MichaelA (+124/-99)
MichaelA (+207)

External links

WikiProject Effective Altruism. An initiative to improve Wikipedia's coverage of topics relevant to effective altruism.

The Wikis tag is for posts about the EA Forum Wiki, Wikipedia, or other wiki-style projects. This includes posts about the value of editing Wikipedia or creating new Wikipedia pages, and posts about the value of or attempts at building EA-focused wikis.

Related entries

community infrastructure | Effective Altruism Forum

The Wikis tag is for posts about Wikipediathe EA Wiki, Wikipedia, or other wiki-style projects. This includes posts about the value of editing Wikipedia or creating new Wikipedia pages, and posts about the value of or attempts at building EA-focused wikis.

The Wikis tag is for posts about Wikipedia or other wiki-style projects. This includes posts about the value of editing Wikipedia or creating new Wikipedia pagespages, and posts about the value of or attempts at building EA-focused wikis.

The Wikis tag is for posts about Wikipedia or other wiki-style projects. This includes posts about the value of editing Wikipedia or creating new Wikipedia pages and posts about the value of or attempts or plans to build wikis about effective altruism and/or topics many effective altruists care building EA-focused wikis.

The Wikis tag is for posts about Wikipedia or other wiki-style projects. This includes posts about attempts or plans to build wikis about effective altruism and/or topics many effective altruists care about.