A/B Tests

Your A/B test key is yYBtfSGgeXXFQyzmr. This is used to randomize your test group in future A/B tests. You can see which A/B tests are active and which group you are in below, and override your group allocation. (This may cause data you generate to not be counted in certain experiments.)

You need to log in to override your A/B test group allocation.

A/B TestYour Group
A placeholder A/B test which has no effectThe smaller test group
Tests the new LargeSequencesItem on the CollectionsPageGroup with old layout (SequencesGridItem)
Tests the new BooksProgressBar, as used in BooksItem (itself used in CollectionsPage)Progress bar enabled
Tests the new Welcome Box on post pages for logged out usersShow Welcome Box on post pages
Events sidebar shows more informationOne line per event
Different wordingGet help version
Show frontpage reciprocity recommendations or notDon't show
Show suggested topics in the reciprocity dialogue frontpage suggestionsDon't show topics
Different rendering of the DialogueMatchingPageControl version
Include a little card in the dialogue matchmaking form that lists a matched user's recent comments and posts, and potentially other user contentShow
Send different wording of the notification message upon a user receiving new checksWording version 1
Offer to add a Calendly link on dialogue matchShow field
New LW frontpage with multiple tabs for different post feedsControl. Existing frontpage