Effective Altruism Würzburg

Würzburg, Germany

Do you want to make a positive difference in the world? Then EA Würzburg is the place for you.

Effective Altruism Würzburg is a highly active city and student group consisting of a diverse group of students and professionals from various disciplines.

Some of the things we do, we only advertise some events publicly:

  • Regular bi-weekly meetings [focus on one topic]
  • Reading groups [The Precipice, The Alignment Problem, etc.]
  • Weekly Socials [mostly game nights, cooking]
  • Career coaching and coworking
  • EA introductory programs
  • Intro talks & cause-specific talks
  • Going to EAGs together
  • Effective Thesis Coaches
  • Productivity Group & Coworking
  • Example projects: Contact with the CEO of kurzgesagt, feedback on visualizations for GiveWell, etc.

Language: Writing mostly in English, most events are in German, it’s totally fine if you can only speak one of those languages.

You can also find a short introduction video in German about us here: Introduction EA Würzburg

Everyone is welcome to join. You don't need to have any previous knowledge and are welcome to join with no commitment. For more information and to contact us, please use this form: https://bit.ly/eawue  📌

Our events: https://lu.ma/eawue 

Activity: Meetings once a month, 3 - 10 people

Upcoming events

Past events