Episode #179 - Why is consciousness something worth talking about?

Episode #179 ... Why is consciousness something worth talking about?
Philosophize This!

Why is consciousness something worth talking about?

Key Takeaways

  • Relevance of Philosophy of Mind: The episode underscores the importance of understanding the philosophy of mind. It discusses how our perceptions of consciousness impact our views on morality, relationships, and politics, emphasizing that these philosophical discussions have tangible implications in everyday life.

  • Interplay of Science and Philosophy: A significant emphasis is placed on the collaboration between philosophy and science in comprehending consciousness. While neuroscience has advanced in correlating brain states with mental states, the episode highlights the necessity of philosophical analysis for the conceptual understanding and interpretation of scientific findings.

  • The Hard Problem of Consciousness: The discussion delves into the 'hard problem of consciousness', which revolves around the challenge of explaining why and how subjective experiences emerge from physical brain states.

  • Implications for Artificial Intelligence and Animal Rights: The episode also explores the moral implications of consciousness in the contexts of artificial intelligence and animal rights. It raises questions about the point at which AI or animals should be considered for moral rights, based on their potential for consciousness.

Recommended Reading

  • "Consciousness: An Introduction" by Susan Blackmore (2013): Susan Blackmore presents an extensive overview of major theories of consciousness, covering topics like brain processes, altered states, and the feasibility of artificial consciousness.

  • "The Conscious Mind: In Search of a Fundamental Theory" by David J. Chalmers (1996): Chalmers challenges the reductionist approach of science towards consciousness, proposing an innovative view that considers consciousness as an irreducible phenomenon, similar to time or space.

  • Consciousness Explained - Daniel C. Dennett (1991): This groundbreaking book contests conventional views of consciousness, offering a novel model rooted in neuroscience and psychology.

  • See the full transcript here.

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Episode #180 - What if everything is consciousness?


Episode #178 - Susan Sontag - How much is your view of everything affected by metaphors?