Far-UVC (also far-UV or far-UV-C) is light with a wavelength of 200–235 nm. It is a type of germicidal ultraviolet (GUV) light, which includes the whole UVC and parts of the UVB spectrum. Far-UVC has emerged as a highly promising approach forto indoor air disinfection, offering enhanced effectiveness and safety compared to conventional 254 nm upper-room GUV systems.

Created by myself (Max Görlitz) as part of an upcoming publication

Far-UVC (also far-UV or far-UV-C) is light with a wavelength of 200–235 nm. It is a type of germicidal ultraviolet (GUV) technology, with wavelengths between 200-235 nm, thatlight, which includes the whole UVC and parts of the UVB spectrum. Far-UVC has emerged as a highly promising approach for indoor air disinfection, offering enhanced efficacyeffectiveness and safety compared to conventional 254-254 nm upper-room GUV systems.

Created by myself (Max Görlitz) as part of an upcoming publication
Created by myself (Max Görlitz) as part of an upcoming publication

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Created by myself (Max Görlitz) as part of an upcoming publication
  • Blatchley et al. 2022 offer a general overview of the topic.far-UVC. 
  • "Far-UVC Light Update: No, LEDs are not around the corner (tweetstorm)" by David Manheim on Lesswrong
  • "Far-Ultraviolet Light in Public Spaces to Fight Pandemic is a Good Idea but Premature" by Kirby Sikes on Lesswrong