Future Fund

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Note (10 November 2022): It was announced this week that FTX.com, Sam Bankman-Fried’s exchange, is facing a severe financial crisis. The situation is still unfolding, so this page will probably be incorrect for the near future, as we won’t be able to update it in time. The Forum team will update this page when there is more clarity on what has happened. The team is concerned for FTX’s individual depositors, who are facing the possibility of severe hardship, as well as about the situation as a whole.

The  FTX Future Fund is was a philanthropic fund created by the FTX Foundation.[1] Its scope was to fund projects that makes grants and investmentsaimed to ambitious projects focused on improving humanity'improve humanity’s long-term prospects.

prospects. The Fundfund was launched in February 2022. It plans to distribute at least $100 million, potentially up to $1 billion, by the end of 2022.2022 and shut down in November 2022 when FTX collapsed.[1]2] 

The Fund's team consists ofFuture Fund was run by Nick Beckstead (CEO of the FTX Foundation), Leopold Aschenbrenner, Avital Balwit, William MacAskill and Ketan Ramakrishnan. During its existence, the Future Fund made grants worth around $100 million.[2]3] 


Beckstead, Nick et al. (2022): Future Fund June 2022 update,Future Fund.

Beckstead, Nick et al. (2022): The FTX Future Fund team has resigned,Future Fund.


Grants and regrants made by the Future Fund. Official website.Fund.

Apply for funding.


FTX FoundationFTX collapseEffective altruism funding opportunities|FTX-collapse-related resources

  1. ^

    Beckstead, Nick et al. (2022) Announcing the Future Fund, Future Fund.

  2. ^

    Beckstead, Nick et al. (2022) The FTX Future Fund team has resigned 

  3. ^

    Future Fund website (2022) AboutOur grants and regrants, Future Fund. (Web archive)