The Machine Intelligence Research Institute (MIRI) is a non-profit research institute. Its mission is "to develop formal tools for the clean design and analysis of general-purpose AI systems, with the intent of making such systems safer and more reliable when they are developed."[1] It
MIRI was founded in 2000 as the Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence by Brian Atkins, Sabine Atkins and Eliezer Yudkowsky.[2] MIRIIt adopted its current name in 2013.[3]
Rice, Issa (2017)et al. (2017) Timeline of Machine Intelligence Research Institute Full timeline, Timelines Wiki, June 30.30 (updated 19 June 2022).
As of June 2022, MIRI has received almost $15 million in funding from Open Philanthropy[4][5][6][7][8] and nearly $900,000 from the Survival and Flourishing Fund.[9][10]
Machine Intelligence Research Institute (2021) About MIRI, Machine Intelligence Research Institute.
Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence (2000) About SIAI, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence.
Muehlhauser, Luke (2013) We are now the “Machine Intelligence Research Institute” (MIRI), Machine Intelligence Research Institute, January 30.
Open Philanthropy (2016) Machine Intelligence Research Institute — General support (2016), Open Philanthropy, August 21.
Open Philanthropy (2017) Machine Intelligence Research Institute — General support (2017), Open Philanthropy, October 16.
Open Philanthropy (2018) Machine Intelligence Research Institute — AI Safety Retraining Program, Open Philanthropy, June 27.
Open Philanthropy (2019) Machine Intelligence Research Institute — General support (2019), Open Philanthropy, April 1.
Open Philanthropy (2020) Machine Intelligence Research Institute — General support (2020), Open Philanthropy, April 10.
Survival and Flourishing Fund (2019a) SFF-2020-H1 S-process recommendations announcement, Survival and Flourishing Fund.
Survival and Flourishing Fund (2019b) SFF-2020-H2 S-process recommendations announcement, Survival and Flourishing Fund.
As of
JuneJuly 2022, MIRI has receivedalmost $15over $14.7 million in funding from Open Philanthropy,[4][5][6][7][8]andnearly $900,000 from the Survival and FlourishingFund.Fund,[5][6] and over $670,000 from Effective Altruism Funds.[7][8][9][10]Machine Intelligence Research Institute (2021) About MIRI, Machine Intelligence Research Institute.
Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence (2000) About SIAI, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence.
Muehlhauser, Luke (2013) We are now the “Machine Intelligence Research Institute” (MIRI), Machine Intelligence Research Institute, January 30.
Open Philanthropy
(2016)(2022) Grants database: Machine Intelligence Research Institute— General support (2016), OpenPhilanthropyPhilanthropy., August 21.^Open Philanthropy (2017)Machine Intelligence Research Institute — General support (2017),Open Philanthropy, October 16.^Open Philanthropy (2018)Machine Intelligence Research Institute — AI Safety Retraining Program,Open Philanthropy, June 27.^Open Philanthropy (2019)Machine Intelligence Research Institute — General support (2019),Open Philanthropy, April 1.^Open Philanthropy (2020)Machine Intelligence Research Institute — General support (2020),Open Philanthropy, April 10.Survival and Flourishing Fund (2019a) SFF-2020-H1 S-process recommendations announcement, Survival and Flourishing Fund.
Survival and Flourishing Fund (2019b) SFF-2020-H2 S-process recommendations announcement, Survival and Flourishing Fund.
Long-Term Future Fund (2018) July 2018: Long-Term Future Fund grants, Effective Altruism Funds, July.
Long-Term Future Fund (2018) November 2018: Long-Term Future Fund grants, Effective Altruism Funds, November.
Long-Term Future Fund (2019) April 2019: Long-Term Future Fund grants and recommendations, Effective Altruism Funds, April.
Long-Term Future Fund (2020) April 2020: Long-Term Future Fund grants and recommendations, Effective Altruism Funds, April.