The Organisation for the Prevention of Intense Suffering (OPIS) is a think-and-do tank founded in 2016 byan organization that advocates for the alleviation and ultimate elimination of intense forms of suffering. OPIS has so far mostly focused on campaigning for access to medication for especially painful conditions, including Jonathan Leightoncluster headaches in order to promote the prevention of human and non-human suffering, and to address specific causes of suffering, intense suffering in particular..

The Organisation for the Prevention of Intense Suffering (OPIS) (OPIS) is a think-and-do tank founded in 2016 by Jonathan Leighton in order to promote the prevention of human and non-human suffering, and to address specific causes of suffering, intense suffering in particular.

External links

Organisation for the Prevention of Intense Suffering . Official website.

The Organisation for the Prevention of Intense Suffering (OPIS) is a think-and-do tank founded in 2016 by Jonathan Leighton in order to promote the prevention of human and non-human suffering, and to address specific causes of suffering, intense suffering in particular.

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