People for the Ethical Treatment of Reinforcement Learners

Daswani, Mayank & Jan Leike (2015) A definition of happiness for reinforcement learning agents, ArXiv:arXiv:1505.04497 [Cs].

  1. ^

    Tomasik, Brian (2014) Do artificial reinforcement-learning agents matter morally?, ArXiv:arXiv:1410.8233 [Cs], p. 23.

PETRL was founded by Daniel Filan, Buck Shlegeris, Jan Leike, Mayank Daswani, and others. A paper by Brian Tomasik on the ethics of reinforcement-learning agents inspired the creation of PETRL (Tomasik 2014: 23).PETRL.[1]

BibliographyFurther reading

Tomasik, Brian (2014) Do artificial reinforcement-learning agents matter morally?, ArXiv:1410.8233 [Cs].

  1. ^

    Tomasik, Brian (2014) Do artificial reinforcement-learning agents matter morally?, ArXiv:1410.8233 [Cs], p. 23.

PETRL was founded by Daniel Filan, Buck Shlegeris, Jan Leike, Mayank Daswani, and others. The creation of PETRL was inspired by aA paper by Brian Tomasik on the ethics of reinforcement-learning agents, from whichagents inspired the namecreation of the organization is also takenPETRL (Tomasik 2014: 23).

PETRL was founded by Daniel Filan, Buck Shlegeris, Jan Leike, Mayank Daswani, and others. The creation of PETRL was inspired by a paper by Brian Tomasik on the ethics of reinforcement-learning agents, from which the name of the organization is also taken (Tomasik 2014: 23).

People for the Ethical Treatment of Reinforcement Learners (PETRL) is an organization focused on the welfare of AI agents.


PETRL was founded by Daniel Filan, Buck Shlegeris, Jan Leike, Mayank Daswani, and others. The creation of PETRL was inspired by a paper by Brian Tomasik on the ethics of reinforcement-learning agents, from which the name is also taken (Tomasik 2014: 23).

PETRL was most active from 2014 to 2015.


Bostrom, Nick (2014) Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Daswani, Mayank & Jan Leike (2015) A definition of happiness for reinforcement learning agents, ArXiv:1505.04497 [Cs].

Schwitzgebel, Eric & Mara Garza (2015) A defense of the rights of artificial intelligences: defense of the rights of artificial intelligences, Midwest Studies In Philosophy, vol. 39, pp. 98–119.

Tomasik, Brian (2014) Do artificial reinforcement-learning agents matter morally?, ArXiv:1410.8233 [Cs].

van der Merwe, Matthew (2019) What ever happened to PETRL (People for the Ethical Treatment of Reinforcement Learners)? - EA Forum, Effective Altruism Forum, December 30.

External links

People for the Ethical Treatment of Reinforcement Learners. Official website.

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artificial intelligence | artificial sentience | mind crime

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