Additional restaurants I'd recommend:
This seems like an improvement to me. Thanks!
Feedback on a minor pain point for me. When I'm looking at quick takes on the front page and want to go to the permalink for the relevant take (e.g. to see all the discussion under it), I often look around for a big title to click on for a while before remembering that I'm supposed to click on the icon on the top right, which is small, doesn't stand out much, and feels too me like it's somehow violating an implicit expectation I have for where to find this for this kind of content.
I have no clue whether this is just me, whether this is worth addressing, or what a good solution would be. (It does make sense to me that quick takes don't have big titles like a normal top level post would.)
I think this was a cool post and I'm excited to see this kind of discussion here. (I think it misses a bunch of advantages of small orgs but seems fine to have a post that's mostly about the disadvantages. unfortunately don't have time to write out my object level thoughts here - just wanted to be clear that this comment is a "like" not a "(fully) agree." )
No worries! It takes a couple clicks to get there.