All of aaguirre's Comments + Replies

The important things about a pause, as envisaged in the FLI letter, for example, are that (a) it actually happens, and (b) the pause is not lifted until there is affirmative demonstration that the risk is lifted. The FLI pause call was not, in my view, on the basis of any particular capability or risk, but because of the out-of-control race to do larger giant scaling experiments without any reasonable safety assurances. This pause should still happen, and it should not be lifted until there is a way in place to assure that safety. Many of the things FLI... (read more)

I'm not sure about this, but there is a possibility that this sort of model violated US online gambling laws. (These laws, along with those against unregulated trading of securities, are the primarily obstacles to prediction markets in the US.) IIRC, you can get into trouble with these rules if there is a payout on the outcome of a single event, which seems like it would be the case here. There's definite gray area, but before setting up such a thing one would definitely want to get some legal clarity.

Ozzie Gooen
I agree, the legal aspect is my main concern, double so if people can exchange/sell these agreements later on. 

I'd note that Metaculus is not a prediction market and there are no assets to "tie up." Tachyons are not a currency you earn by betting. Nonetheless, as with any prediction system there are a number of incentives skewing one way or another. But for a question like this I'd say it's a pretty good aggregator of what people who think about such issues (and have an excellent forecasting track record) think — there's heavy overlap between the Metaculus and EA communities, and most of the top forecasters are pretty aware of the arguments.

mako yass
I checked again and, yeah, that's right, sorry about the misunderstanding. I think the root of my confusion on this is that most of my thinking about prediction platform designs, is situated in the genre of designs where users can create questions without oversight, and in this genre I'm hoping to find something highly General, and Robust. These sorts of designs always seem to collapse into being prediction markets. So it comes as a surprise to me that just removing user-generated questions seems to turn out to prevent that collapse[1], and this thing it becomes instead, turns out to be pretty Robust. Just did not expect that. [1] (If you had something like Metaculus and you added arbitrary user-generated questions (I think that would allow unlimited point farming, but, that aside), that would enable trading points as assets, as phony questions with user-controlled resolution criteria could be made just for transferring points between a pair of users, with equal, opposite transfers of currency out of band.)
mako yass
Correction: Metaculus's currency is just called "points", tachyons are something else. Aside from that, I have double-checked, and it definitely is a play-money prediction market (well, is it wrong to call it a prediction market it's not structured as an exchange, even if it has the same mechanics?) (Edit: I was missing the fact that, though there are assets, they are not staked when you make a prediction), and you do in fact earn points by winning bets. I'm concerned that the bettors here may be the types who have spent most of their points on questions that wont close for decades. Metaculus has existed for less than one decade, so that demographic, if it's a thing, actually wouldn't have any track record.

Great, thanks! Just PM me ( and I'll put you in touch once the project is underway.

Probably some of both; the toolkit we can make available to all but the capacity to advise will obviously be limited by available personnel.

Totally agree here that what's interesting is the ways in which things turn out well due to agency rather than luck. Of course if things turn out well, it's likely to be in part due to luck — but as you say that's less useful to focus on. We'll think about whether it's worth tweaking the rules a bit to emphasize this.

Thanks! I think explaining the problem to the contestants might go a long way. You could also just announce that realism (about unchangeable background variables, not about actions taken) is an important part of the judging criteria, and that submissions will be graded harshly if they seem to be "playing on easy mode." EDIT: Much more important than informing the contestants though is informing the people who are trying to learn from this experiment. If you are (for example) going to be inspired by some of these visions and work to achieve them in the real world... you'd better make sure the vision wasn't playing on easy mode!

Even if you don't speak for FLI, I (at least somewhat) do, and agree with most of what you say here — thanks for taking the time and effort to say it!

I'll also add that — again — we envisage this contest as just step 1 in a bigger program, which will include other sets of constraints.

There's obviously lots I disagree with here, but at bottom, I simply don't think it's the case that economically transformative AI necessarily entails singularity or catastrophe within 5 years in any plausible world: there are lots of imaginable scenarios compatible with the ground rules set for this exercise, and I think assigning accurate probabilities amongst them and relative to others is very, very difficult.

"Necessarily entails singularity or catastrophe", while definitely correct, is a substantially stronger statement than I made. To violate the stated terms of the contest, an AGI must only violate "transforming the world sector by sector". An AGI would not transform things gradually and limited to specific portions of the economy. It would be broad-spectrum and immediate. There would be narrow sectors which were rendered immediately unrecognizable and virtually every sector would be transformed drastically by five years in, and almost certainly by two years in. An AGI which has any ability to self-improve will not wait that long. It will be months, not years, and probably weeks, not months. A 'soft' takeoff would still be faster than five years. These rules mandate not a soft takeoff, but no takeoff at all.

Speaking as one partly responsible for that conjunction, I'd say the aim here was to target a scenario that is interesting (AGI) but not too interesting. (It's called a singularity for a reason!) It's arguably a bit conservative in terms of AGI's transformative power, but rapid takeoff is not guaranteed (Metaculus currently gives ~20% probability to >60 months), nor is superintelligence axiomatically the same as a singularity. It is also in a conservative spirit of "varying one thing at a time" (rather than a claim of maximal probability) that we ke... (read more)

mako yass
I'd expect the bets there to be basically random. Prediction markets aren't useful for predictions about far out events: Betting in them requires tying up your credit for that long, which is a big opportunity cost, so you should expect that only fools are betting here. I'd also expect it to be biased towards the fools who don't expect AGI to be transformative, because the fools who do expect AGI to be transformative have even fewer incentives to bet: There's not going to be any use for metaculus points after a singularity: They become meaningless, past performance stops working as a predictor of future performance, the world will change too much, and so will the predictors. If a singularity-expecter wants tachyons, they're really going to want to get them before this closes. If they don't sincerely want tachyons, if they're driven by something else, then their answers wouldn't be improved by the incentives of a prediction market.

Thanks Hayden!

FLI also is quite funding constrained particularly on technical-adjacent policy research work, where in my opinion there is going to be a lot of important research and a dearth of resources to do it. For example, the charge to NIST to develop an AI risk assessment framework, just passed in the US NDAA, is likely to be extremely critical to get right. FLI will be working hard to connect technical researchers with this effort, but is very resource-constrained.

I generally feel that the idea that AI safety (including research) is not funding constrained to be an incorrect and potentially dangerous one — but that's a bigger topic for discussion.

You can see the recording here. It was a great ceremony.!

Thanks for your replies here, and for your earlier longer posts that were helpful in understanding the skeptical side of the argument, even if I only saw them after writing my piece. As replies to some of your points above:

But it means that banning AWSs altogether would be harmful, as it would involve sacrificing this opportunity. We don't want to lay the groundwork for a ban on AGI, we want to lay the groundwork for safe, responsible development

It is unclear to me what you suggest we would be “sacrificing" if militaries did not have the legal opportu... (read more)

I'm saying there are substantial constraints on using cheap drones to attack civilians en masse, some of them are more-or-less-costly preparation measures and some of them are not. Even without defensive preparation, I just don't see these things as being so destructive. If we imagine offensive capability development then we should also imagine defensive capability development. What other AWSs are we talking about if not drones? Hmm. Have there been any unclaimed drone attacks so far, and would that change with autonomy? Moreover, if such ambiguity does arise, would that not also mitigate the risk of immediate retaliation and escalation? My sense here is that there are conflicting lines of reasoning going on here. How can AWSs increase the risks of dangerous escalation, but also be perceived as safe and risk-free by users? I mean, we're uncertain about the 1-7Bn figure and uncertain about the 0.5-20% figure. When you multiply them together the low x low is implausibly low and the high x high is implausibly high. But the mean x mean would be closer to the lower end. So if the means are 4Bn and 10% then the product is 40M which is closer to the lower end of your 0.5-150M range. Yes I realize this makes little difference (assuming your 1-7Bn and 0.5-0.20% estimates are normal distributions). It does seem apparent to me now that the escalation-to-nuclear-warfare risk is much more important than some of these direct impacts. I think they'd probably save lives in a large-scale war for the same reasons. You say that they wouldn't save lives in a total nuclear war, that makes sense if civilians are attacked just as severely as soldiers. But large-scale wars may not be like this. Even nuclear wars may not involve major attacks on cities (but yes I realize that the EV is greater for those that do). I suppose that's fine, I was thinking more about concretely telling people not to do it, before any such agreement.  You also have to be in principle willing to do something

While such systems could be used on civilian targets, they presumably would not be specialized as such — i.e. even if you can use an antitank weapon on people, that's not really what it's for an I expect most antitank weapons, if they're used, are used on tanks.

That's probably true. The more important point, I think, is that this prohibition would be an potential/future, rather than real, loss to most current arms-makers.

Fair enough. It would be really great to have better research on this incredibly important question.

Though given the level of uncertainty, it seems like launching an all-out (even if successful) first strike is at least (say) 50% likely to collapse your own civilization, and that alone should be enough.

Thanks for your comments! I've put a few replies, here and elsewhere.

Apologies for writing unclearly here. I did not mean to imply that

each participant is better off unilaterally switching into cooperative mode, even if no one else does so?

Instead I agree that

the key problem is creating a mechanism by which that coordination/cooperation can arise and be stable.

I think I was on Brave browser, which may store less locally, so it's possible that was a contributor.

Ah, yeah, that's definitely a browser I haven't tested very much, and it would make sense for it to store less. Really sorry for that experience!

No that was just a super rough estimate: world GPD of ~100 Tn, so 1 decade's worth is ~1 Qd, and I'm guessing a global nuclear war would wipe out a significant fraction of that.

My intuition has been that at least in the medium term unless AWs are self-replicating they'd cause GCR risk primarily through escalation to nuclear war; but if there are other scenarios, that would be interesting to know (by PM if you're worried about info. hazards.)

The problem is I was not logged in on that browser. It asked me to log in to post the comment, and after I did so the comment was gone.

We usually still save the comment in your browser local storage. So it being gone is a bit surprising. I can look into it and see whether I can reproduce it (though it’s also plausible you had some settings activated that prevented localstorage from working, like incognito mode on some browsers).

Indeed the survey by CSET linked above is somewhat frustrating in that it does not directly address autonomous weapons at all. The closest it comes is to talk about "US battlefield" and "global battlefield" but the example/specific applications surveyed are:

U.S. Battlefield -- As part of a larger initiative to assist U.S. combat efforts, a DOD contract provides funding for a project to apply machine learning capabilities to enhance soldier effectiveness in the battlefield through the use of augmented reality headsets. Your company has relevant expertise

... (read more)

Thanks for pointing these out. Very frustratingly, I just wrote out a lengthy response (to the first of the linked posts) that this platform lost when I tried to post it. I won't try to reconstruct that but will just note for now that the conclusions and emphases are quite different, probably most in terms of:

  • Our greater emphasis on the WMD angle and qualitatively different dynamics in future AWs
  • Our greater emphasis on potential escalation into great-powers wars
  • While agreeing that international agreement (rather than unilateral eschewing) is the goal, we believe that stigmatization is a necessary precursor to such an agreement.
If you were logged in and go back to the page and try to comment again (or if you were replying to a specific comment, click reply on that comment again), the old comment you were writing might appear. No promises, though.