Damilola Fasoranti

Chief Catalyst @ Prikkle Academy Rwanda
7 karmaJoined Working (6-15 years)Kigali, Rwanda


  • Completed the In-Depth EA Virtual Program
  • Completed the Introductory EA Virtual Program


This is exciting, Pacifique!

This is a good read and it's lovely to be on this journey with you.

Yes, several amazing days ahead and there's potential in the land.

Thank you Tim for sharing this.

Quite interesting to read how you have created an exciting community.

I am curious to hear more:

  • What's the name of your EA group?

  • Now that you have graduated, how do you intend to stay involved?

  • What's the size of your group? And across different timeframes, what there more/less engagement at some times or the other - or for an activity or the other?

  • In terms of actions that people took, based on being a member, which of them do you consider impactful (no matter how small or big it was)?

  • Is there any theme that came up within your group, that people wanted to learn/discuss more about, that may not be a dominant theme within EA?

Other points:

  • It may help to add something like 'Kenya' in your headline, to be more contextual. Things will defer from school to school, community to community, city to city and country to country, within the same African continent.


The name change sounds good to me.

Although, when I did the intro and in-depth course, it was simply called The Effective Altruism Introductory & In-depth Program.

If it was called a fellowship, it wouldn't mean a religious thing to me, perhaps because I have been on several fellowship programs and have co-run others, that has nothing to do with religion.

Thanks for sharing. I may adopt some of the suggestions to my EA group, when sharing about the programs.