I suppose I should have made my aims clearer. I'll remember that next time for my next post!
I believe my main goal with this post was not so much to address conflicts of values/norms by arguing for non-welfarist values/norms but rather to address any semantic disagreements that may arise from different interpretation of words like "morality" and "ought" thereby guiding people who make a semantic distinction between prudential vs moral ought to have be on the same page with people who do not make the distinction.
Thanks for the welcome.
I suppose I should have made my aims clearer. I'll remember that next time for my next post!
I believe my main goal with this post was not so much to address conflicts of values/norms by arguing for non-welfarist values/norms but rather to address any semantic disagreements that may arise from different interpretation of words like "morality" and "ought" thereby guiding people who make a semantic distinction between prudential vs moral ought to have be on the same page with people who do not make the distinction.
I hope that helps.