
77 karmaJoined


Thank you for reaching out and asking how the community can support me during this time. Your consideration means a lot, especially given the challenging journey I've been on.

The aftermath of my funder's collapse took a significant toll on me. Despite the well-intentioned promises of assistance for those impacted, I felt ghosted and unsupported. I've now returned to my home country, where I'm navigating a very different set of challenges. Currently, I'm attempting to reinvent myself professionally in a place that feels very removed from the epicenters of EA.

My background, which is humble and without a traditional support system, makes my situation even more precarious. The decision to leave a stable job for the promise of making a meaningful impact has had profound consequences. This choice left me with a strong reluctance to re-enter the traditional workforce, even if my skills are clearly valuable and rare, a sentiment only intensified by my ongoing battle with major depression.

While I value the emotional and social support from the EA community, I also recognize the inherent differences in our day-to-day experiences. The juxtaposition of my current challenges against the backdrop of peers who may be in more favorable situations abroad underscores the solitude of my journey.

The only tangible way the community could assist is by contributing towards some of the expenses I'm currently shouldering, for example, therapy. The sessions are a significant outlay, but they're essential for my well-being, especially as I anticipate continuing them for a while.

Another area of potential support could be in the form of pro-bono mentorship or guidance as I try to reinvent my career as a freelancer/entrepreneur.

Ultimately, while the past cannot be changed, and the challenges are real, the act of reaching out and showing genuine concern provides a measure of comfort. I'm unsure if anything could significantly alter my emotional state right now, but the interest is nonetheless appreciated.