All of kta's Comments + Replies

Thank you so much!

I might know someone interested to apply, but I'm wondering first the location of these roles?

Great post! One thing that came to mind is caution truly is the "norm" that is really pointed at when starting doing biosecurity-relevant work in EA, which has had its tradeoffs with me, some of which you've pointed out

(as of Feb 24) So far there’s a Cambodian girl that has already contracted H5N1 and died, others possibly detected. How does this update everyone?

Take care Max!!!! Thanks for all your good work, hope you get good rest and can take care of your well-being!

I do gotta say I believe the TIME article a bit more than the skepticism raised in this post

(in the interest of being hyper explicit, also wanna note that I support people believing the claims in the TIME article, think it's good for people to genuinely state their beliefs about things, that it's totally fine for people to come to different conclusions about it than I did.)

edit: Also, thank you! 

Hey Aella, just wanted to say I found this a very well-written post and this particular quote struck me:

“I think in large part because of those experiences I've had. We're dealing with something high visibility (EA), where the most popular political coalition in journalism (people on the left side of the political aisle) can score points by hating you (insufficiently woke), and that is politically controversial (polyamory, weird nerds, SBF). It seems obvious to me that the odds of having some people with personal experience in the community who also regula... (read more)

I do gotta say I believe the TIME article a bit more than the skepticism raised in this post

I agree that the article had an anti-polyamory vibe and that doesn’t seem helpful in it of itself and damaging to some who are not doing anything wrong. But I do think some discussion is warranted, not to be against polyamory, but for how our community treats it in such a way that it affects some dynamics (‘cause it can be tricky!)

For me, the broader picture is,

The blurry professional/personal line EA generally has + a polyamory subculture used negatively + powerful men who are more likely to harass gives a complex equation that can lead to behavior like t... (read more)


I agree with this (what Peter said) and also have a couple stuff to add:

  1. Just so you know, in the Philippines, generally women are considered more charitable, and this somewhat manifests in EA Philippines, where we are mostly women. This might not account for the quality of who is more likely to “quantify charity” but definitely gender is not binary, and I think it’s limiting to say “men more likely; that’s why this community is made up like this.”

Maybe what you say is because there are more men in the movement, but I don’t think it’s simply because men... (read more)

Agreed... I think similar stuff happen in many communities and social groups, and I think maybe EA gets tricky 'cause it's like, hey, aren't we generally good people? So shouldn't we like... be outliers and like... be people who are sensitive and stuff and by a given, never sexually harrass? So not that it's any less important, but EA ends up sticking out because of that. 


To me, EAs being nice is usually the case, as per the usual impression of non-EAs who see EA conferences ("wow, this was the nicest crowd I've ever seen!) but we are not infall... (read more)


(This might be a rambly comment but these are thoughts that plopped out of me after reading the article, particularly after reading the quote by Julia Wise, “How do you figure out what is a community problem versus what is a Bay Area problem or sex problem or something else?”)

I generally think sexual harassment in EA is just extremely more complicated because of how intertwined we all are, and how much we would be willing to put aside (e.g. bad feelings in interpersonal relationships) for optimizing working for "the greater good" (e.g. let's not ruin this ... (read more)


I'm quite sad to see "When Gopalakrishnan said she wasn’t interested, she recalls, they would “shame” her or try to pressure her, casting monogamy as a lifestyle governed by jealousy, and polyamory as a more enlightened and rational approach." – I've only supposed this was possible due to my personal feelings of some dynamics in the community, and I actually feared it (as someone who has had personal issues with polyamory) but am sad to have heard it actually concretely happened in this way; I really hope it doesn't happen anymore. 

Happy you guys set this up. Apart from the undergraduate biology prereq, curious if it’s recommended one complete the original GCBR curriculum first before joining or not necessarily?

James Lin
It certainly helps, and we would recommend taking a look through the intro GCBR curriculum. At the same time, the pathway for some biosecurity researchers goes from technical research -> learning about the overview of biosecurity. In short, these two programs are fairly complementary, and order probably doesn't matter as much as focus/curiosity.

So happy to see all of this, there’s definitely a lot LEEP has learned and I’m very excited for your work! :)

highly appreciate this post! would you be open to me privately messaging you (to ask questions)?

Yes, very happy to respond to messages on this :)

I like the diagram :) Best wishes for the remainder of 2022, and finding a successor! Is there any way others in EA not from EA MY can help you?

Declan Dally
I also love this diagram and model for tracking progress. I will see about copying this for my EA group.
I like the Sankey diagram too - what did you use to make it Yi-Yang?
Possibly! Fingers crossed for that. :)

Hey, I'm Kirsten, a student in Ateneo de Manila University in the Philippines. I was directed to this post by evelynciara after I shared that I posted a song cover inspired by EA. Would love to join this Slack :) This is my email:

Jeroen Willems

Already have my first call scheduled. Very excited!

Same here! I did a cover of this song last year, and it was inspired by EA.

Nice! I see that you're not on EA Creatives and Communicators yet - you should join!

Hey there! It seems the NTI link leads to only an image. Just wanted to let you know!

Thanks for your answer ! I agree with not giving a gift to someone if they wouldn’t want it. I mentioned this in a reply to a comment above, but I think I was asking more about what’s a gift someone really interested into EA would like, which might include a fundraiser/donation to a charity they’re passionate about. But if they’re not interested in EA, or wouldn’t be interested in it, it would probably come across not so great. Thank you!

Thanks for your answer! I agree, you have a good point. I think I was asking more about what’s a gift someone really interested into EA would like (e.g. I’d be pretty excited to get a nice EA book) but if they’re not interested in EA, if anyone would be conscious about what they give (e.g. if they’re vegan but don’t give a vegan gift). You have a really good point about the meaning of gifts, thank you!

Thanks for your comment and suggestion, Aaron! I just changed the title!

Thank you for sharing this, Peter! Great notes; I’ve been reading this and have found it quite helpful. I read it after my term as president of EA Blue (uni chapter in the PH) and have learned points of improvement of my leadership then, and how to improve my leadership moving forward. Your notes are detailed and structured, and are great to reference. Love the insights too! On a meta-note, I was wondering if you can share how you take book notes efficiently without significantly slowing down your reading time (or your process in general). Thank you!

Peter Wildeford
I read the book on the Kindle app on my phone. This made it easy to read it in small bits during downtime. I highlighted everything I thought was worth following up on. I then spent ~8hrs going through all the highlights and turning them into the document you see here. The process of making this document greatly helps me remember (and actually act on) the key points of the book. Obviously I won't do this for every book I read but I want to mainly read books that are so good I feel compelled to make notes out of them. You can see all the books I've read here.

Hey Nathan, thanks for your comment! Currently, EA Blue doesn't have something where we require help, but if we do I'll definitely add it here or another member of EA Blue could make a post here on the forum! We'd just love any way we could stay in touch with the whole community!