Marie Reinke

1 karmaJoined


Veterinarian based in Berlin/Germany. Currently starting an organization to strengthen the animal advocacy movement through making knowledge regarding scientific findings on animal welfare and further animal-related topics available. I was formerly head of the department "Animals and Animal Welfare" at Albert Schweitzer Foundation.


Hi @James Özden thank you so much for mentioning Expertise for Animals

We are working hard to support animal advocacy with our knowledge in veterinary medicine and biology. 

You are currently linking to another consulting organization who works with zoos, keepers and trainers on the welfare captive animals as far as I understand. 

Our link is 

Expertise for Animals is supporting other organizations and activists with our expertise and moves data from animal welfare science into animal advocacy. 

If other forum users could help me tag James, I would very much appreciate it, since i can not mention him directly yet.