All of NAS's Comments + Replies

I really like the World Food Programme app "Share the Meal'. It's simple & intuitive and yes, it does give a little thrill when donating. Most importantly it's really helpful to show my seven year old about giving. Every time she tries a new food, we get on the app and donate a week's worth of meals to the WFP (a much better incentive than giving her the cash and it's only $3.50 to do that - I suspect 3.50 would mean a lot less to my daughter and the effect would wear off pretty quickly). Now I'm linking other good behaviors to the app rewards, so... (read more)


An update from The Life You Can Save: we saw and approved this particular video for publication. We did not check with other non-profits as we assumed that was not our responsibility.

Hope that helps.


Thanks for this. I volunteer for The Life You Can Save and I am checking in on this for the organization. I will get back to you shortly.


An update from The Life You Can Save: we saw and approved this particular video for publication. We did not check with other non-profits as we assumed that was not our responsibility.

Hope that helps.

I find that all the EA organizations (GiveWell, GWWC, The Life Your can Save) essentially point to the same 4-5 organizations: AMF, SCI, Evidence Action/DtW, etc. Do we really need so many organizations? if they are reaching out to different audiences (GiveWell = finance industry; GWWC = college students), then there's a reason for all to exist - as they broaden the donor base for AMF for example. But if they are reaching out to the same audience (basic EA giver) but with slightly different perspectives, then it's not as useful as in the end, they are pers... (read more)

This is great. I have a professional background in marketing and a PhD in behavioral economics/consumer psychology and would be happy to contribute some thoughts on this. Robert Cialdini's "Influence" is a great book about general communications. How can I help?

I actually thought Amia Srinivasan's article was quite thoughtful and (together with Dylan Matthew's criticism) echo some of my own concerns as a beginner/fringe EA.

  1. How do we broaden the movement? As a brown, female, immigrant 40-something mid-career professional who is not a banker or philosopher and has a family (including aging parents who rely on us), math literate but not interested in the detailed calculations that populate the EA pages I don't feel like there are other EAs who share my profile.

  2. How do we work beyond individual donations to talk

... (read more)