All of Pablo_Stafforini2's Comments + Replies

Hi Austen. You write:

Those "philosophers" wouldn't find it too demanding if they were the ones who were had to endure the suffering of the Third World. It's so wrong that people only put themselves in the shoes of the haves, rather than the have-nots when formulating their "morals".

Yes, Singer makes this same point in a reply to criticism from Colin McGinn (from Dale Jamieson (ed.), Singer and His Critics, Oxford: Blackwell, 1999, p. 304):

I disagree […] with the conclusion McGinn draws from his imaginary world in which a Charity Channe
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Thanks for those clarifications, Owen. I understand your position better now.

Thanks, Martijn! Will is currently writing a book on effective altruism and is giving a lot of thinking to ways in which we can make EA ideas more appealing to a wider audience, without sacrificing precision or accuracy. Making such ideas more personal is a key way of accomplishing this, and for this reason the book will feature interviews with many prominent EAs and top researchers.

Hi Toby,

However, they are distributed over twenty years of that time and I think the amortization calculator you used assumes it is all paid as a lump sum on year one.

Yes, this is what I assumed. As I note at the end of my previous comment, I took the £150-200,000 figure to represent the present-value cost of having a child, rather than the unadjusted sum of payments that parents are expected to make over a 20-year period. I think I made that assumption because Brian's own estimates are adjusted for the time value of money. I agree that, if this assumption doesn't hold in this case, then the cost per parent per year is £3,000 (excluding opportunity costs).

Thanks for the reply. You write:

I'm not familiar with the theory behind the time value of money to appraise it, but it looks to me like your calculation here has taken my per parent figure and come out with a per couple figure, which (I'm sure unintentionally) makes it look at first read like my estimate is <50% of the true cost). But the figure of £4700 per couple is not wildly different from £4000 per couple per annum, given the uncertainty bounds I'd put on it.

No, sorry: I took the middle value of your £150-£200,000 estimate (£175,000) then divided ... (read more)

Bernadette makes some good criticisms, and I've updated my piece in response. I now put the opportunity-cost figure around $100K of present value, which seems low but not obviously too low if much of the parenting time is not "work." I also changed the opportunity cost from being about extra income to being about how much you value what you would have been doing instead. Individual differences seem big here. While there are some people like Bernadette and Julia who give extensive thought to this issue, there are others who don't actually care about kids as much but just go along with social custom, spousal pressure, or the results of carelessness with birth control. It's this latter group that my piece is mainly intended to speak to. I don't know the relative proportions of different types of people in the population.

This is a very interesting essay addressing a very important decision EAs face. Thank you for writing it!

I think your estimates for the annual financial cost of having children underestimate the real costs, because they don't account for the time value of money and because they omit opportunity costs.

To account for the time value of money, we can use the formula used to calculate amortization in business. Assuming a present-value cost of £175,000, an interest rate of 5% and 50 periods, the annual cost for each couple turns out to be about £4,700 per pare... (read more)

Hi Pablo, You are right that the £2,000 per year per parent lifetime cost would be better if it included an adjustment for the fact that the cost aren't evenly distributed over that timespan. However, they are distributed over twenty years of that time and I think the amortization calculator you used assumes it is all paid as a lump sum on year one. I set up a spreadsheet to allocate the costs evenly over the first twenty years and then look for which amount this was equivalent to paying if the costs were spread out over the whole 50 years. This was £3,000 per parent per year, which is higher than the £2,000, but quite a bit less than the £4,700. This is still not perfect as the costs are skewed a bit towards the early and late years, but it should be pretty close to the right model. I also think that 5% above inflation is substantially higher than the best estimates of the risk adjusted rate of return. Using 3%, the cost per annum drops to £2,500, which is pretty close to the original unadjusted estimate. (Note that you might want something even higher than 5% if you would really like to spend/donate money a lot sooner, but if so, you should also be taking out loans in order to donate more sooner and I've never met anyone doing that).
I'm not familiar with the theory behind the time value of money to appraise it, but it looks to me like your calculation here has taken my per parent figure and come out with a per couple figure, which (I'm sure unintentionally) makes it look at first read like my estimate is <50% of the true cost). But the figure of £4700 per couple is not wildly different from £4000 per couple per annum, given the uncertainty bounds I'd put on it. Regarding the opportunity costs estimate here I'd dispute that figure with gusto. I think that estimate is inaccurate and probably inflated for two major reasons. Firstly, I don't think we have anything like the amount of certainty about that figure - at the very least it deserves some error bars! (Incidentally, I find this is a big problem with back-of-the-envelope calculations that come out with a single figure - the number looks much more authoritative than it should given the uncertainty regarding the factors behind it). I was deliberately not specific as to the amount of the time cost involved because I was unable to find reliable data to make such an estimate. Brian's essay does not provide any data from which he draws his estimate of 21 hours per week per parent in time opportunity costs (I think I am correct in believing he's not a parent). He simply states it after a long list of the types of work that parenting involves. In his account, the following are 'work': "playing with your toddler…spending quality time with your kid on the weekends, taking your kid to events and friends' houses, going to school functions…giving advice on jobs, and everything else in between." I don't dispute that some elements of parenting are straightforwardly work - probably unpleasant and with no immediate reward for the individual performing them. However to describe playing with your child, engaging in social activities or giving interested advice to a young person exploring future career options as 'work' is a little boggling to me. I suspect t
You could outsource the costs if that's something you're inclined to do. I would probably feel guilty about doing so myself. The opportunity costs can vary a lot based on what your alternative career might have been (e.g., for a would-have-been CEO they're much bigger than for a would-have-been librarian), as well as whether the parenting time comes from your existing leisure time or your existing work time.

Sorry about that. I'm currently working on fixing this problem.

Paul Christiano discusses this consideration in The best reason to give later:

I think the most important impact of giving now is probably that it accelerates the process of learning. At the level of the EA movement, the main reason to be optimistic about better giving opportunities emerging in the future is that we will actively seek out such opportunities, and discover through experience what directions are most fruitful to explore. (As an individual you can expect your money to go further if you wait and do nothing, but only because you can benefit from
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"Why not make a long odds bet with a wealthy counterparty or use high-risk derivatives to get a chance at making the large donation? In principle, economies of scale like this should always be subject to circumvention at modest cost."

Yes, as Paul Christiano writes,

In principle some opportunities might only be accessible for big donors. $1B might go more than a thousand times farther than $1M. But if we are really only interested in expectations, then we can always just take a 1000:1 bet and turn our $1M into a 1/1000 chance of $1B. This guarantees that there are no increasing returns to money.

See this post by Jeff Kaufman for a list of names that were in use before 'effective altruism' became established.

This expenditure is also pretty lumpy, and I don’t expect them to get all their donations from small individual donations, so it seems to me that donating 1/50th of the cost of a program manager isn’t as good as 1/50th of the value of a program manager.

Carl Shulman explores the implications of this claim in this post.

animals and plants have as much right to exist on this planet as humans do, and we have a responsibility to ensure their continued survival and coexistence with us.

I'm not sure the idea of recognizing rights to insentient entities is compatible with effective altruism. It seems to me that a key element in this movement is that of helping others, where 'others' is most naturally understood to refer to some kind of subject of experience--someone for whom things can go well or badly.