All of Simon Bazelon's Comments + Replies

What's interesting about this interview clip though is that he seems to explicitly endorse a set of principles that directly contradict the actions he took! 

Well that's the thing -- it seems likely he didn't see his actions as contradicting those principles. Suggesting that they're actually a dangerous set of principles to endorse, even if they sound reasonable. That's what's really got me thinking. I wonder if part of the problem is a consistent failure of imagination on the part of humans to see how our designs might fail. Kind of like how an amateur chess player devotes a lot more thought to how they could win than how their opponent could win. So if the principles Sam endorsed are at all recoverable, maybe they could be recovered via a process like "before violating common-sense ethics for the sake of utility, go down a massive checklist searching for reasons why this could be a mistake, including external observers in the decision if possible".