All of Tereza_Flidrova's Comments + Replies

We have now updated the conference time, September 30th, 4pm to 8pm BST (11am to 3pm EST)

Awesome, thanks Max! Hope you will be able to join us for the conference :)

Hello Geoffrey,
I apologise for the delayed response; I've been travelling recently, but responding to your comment has been on my mind.

You bring up some insightful points that align with my current findings. I agree that the distinction between short-term and long-term missions is crucial when discussing interpersonal relationships in confined environments.

For the short-term three-month confinement project I've been planning, I've chosen to minimise the emphasis on encouraging sexual contact. This approach is taken primarily to maintain the focus on the mi... (read more)

Thanks for raising an important question Goeffrey. I am not an expert on this topic and don't feel qualified to comment, except that our norms are obviously far from a global optimum. I think this underscores a more significant point which is that any such project should have an interdisciplinary team behind it, including at least consulting experts on topics such as sexuality. Another approach that has been floated for civilizational shelters in particular is that it might make sense to directly select a group to avoid issues such as harassment, for instance, a carefully selected single-sex group (i.e. likely a female group).

Geoffrey Miller
Tereza - thanks for your reply. I agree that an interdisciplinary team would be great to address such a diverse set of issues! (Basically any topic worth studying in human biology, culture, and civilization will be relevant somehow to human life in confined environments.) I guess one key contextual variable is whether we're talking about relatively 'short-term' missions (e.g. weeks to months, such as rocket trips to build a moon base), or relatively 'long-term' missions (e.g. sheltering underground for a few decades after a nuclear war, building a mars colony for a few years, or undertaking a 'generation-ship' voyage to another star system). For the short-term missions, it might be prudent to minimize sexual contact, relationships, and reproduction, to reduce friction and promote mission focus. But for longer-term missions (decades or generations), it would be necessary to encourage relationship formation, parenting, etc.

Not conferences specifically, but more spaces where EAS work and gather in general, like offices, hubs, etc., but I guess in some sense conferences would also fall into this category, yes.

Hi Martin, thanks a lot for the comment & thanks for the clarification on the topic, Peter!

As you stated, less abundant funding has already started to negatively impact some EA offices and this trend will probably continue in the months/years to come.

The agenda is still very much in the making, but having time and space to get together to think about how to spend resources wisely and focus on creating spaces that carry the most potential to support the community seems to me like a valuable exericise, especially given the financial situation.

Also, I wou... (read more)

Hey Max, thanks a lot for the response! I don't think I generally disagree with any of the points you are mentioning above.

It is important to stress we are not proposing people move to Sandusky, especially at this stage it is about providing a place to run retreats, come and work remotely for a few weeks/months, run fellowship, focus on getting some deep work done while being able to take part in what Sandusky has to offer. This means people from abroad might still be able to come and take part (I, for example, don't have US citizenship).

Long term, I would... (read more)

Hi Max, thanks a lot for this comment! 

I generally agree that there need to be hubs located outside of the US, and that possibly, this needs to be prioritized. However, I strongly disagree with the premise that we need to choose any single location for an EA hub and reject all others. I think that working on multiple types of hubs in different locations is the way to go. If there are communities within the US who might want to support an EA hub that's easily accessible, yet outside of the core EA hub locations, I fully support this. And if you aren't ... (read more)

Max Clarke
Hey, appreciate your response. Perhaps we should discuss the meaning of the word "hub" here? To me, it is about 1) Having enough EAs to establish beneficial network effects, and 2) to have a reason why the EAs living there aren't constantly incentivised to move elsewhere (which also means they can live and and work there if they choose) I think that your value proposition of a beautiful, cheap location for remote work is a great reason for a hub! This fulfills condition 2). Then, having enough people fulfills 1). However, network effects cause increasing returns to moving there. This means if there are two hubs (of the same type - here "good cheap remote hub") that a person might move to, they will all else equal choose to move to the larger one. This means that there will tend to be only one hub of each kind - a lock in effect. Given that about 30% of all EAs are from the US, and the ~2 existing hubs there are quite expensive, I think your hub has a good chance of succeeding! However, I think that would result in the above lock-in effect. If so, there might be as many people who live in your northeast US hub (~30% of EAs outside the US and UK) who would like to move there, but can't (easily) because of US immigration. Having a hub that offered the same value proposition ( condition 2) ) but in a different jurisdiction would have been strictly better. On the other hand, if you can change the US immigration rules (which are btw definitely bad for the US!!), please do!

Hi Adeel, no, this is an in-person event happening in Oxford, UK! 

Thank you for your response. 

Hi Sawyer, thanks for this question! We are in touch with Fønix and think these are both valid approaches in moving the realization of shelters forward.

We believe there is great value in getting together at SHELTER Weekend while being mindful of the fact that there will most probably be different organisations and approaches pushing shelters forward in the future. Ulrik has been warmly invited to come to SHELTER Weekend!

Josh Jacobson
These links don't seem to work.

This is the event I already mentioned in my previous post & I would strongly encourage anyone interested in working on shelters to apply!

We are in contact with other initiatives working on shelters and believe the SHELTER Weekend will be a wonderful opportunity for all the parties interested in shelters to come together.

Please don't hesitate to reach out to any one of us in case you have any questions!

So, will this also be online? I forgot to ask. This is Adeel Khan btw. Thx

I think more and more regions & cities are either setting something up/have already done so/looking at ways to do this in the future. I have heard of SF initiatives as well as other major cities in the US & Europe. Exciting to hear NYC hub is on its way too!!

Thanks a lot for sharing this, I really enjoyed reading the post and will be implementing some of the tips!

Hi Peter, thank you for the comment! I am actually planning to watch this very soon and am really curious about what I can learn from it, would love to chat about it later!

Thanks a lot for this Erin! I give that a listen for inspiration & will post updates on this if/when I decide to go for it. 

Thanks a lot, that's exactly the type of thing I might want to check out. I did not know about them, will dive deeper into what they do! I like the clarity of their web design and resources!

Glad to help!

Hi Darren,
Thanks a lot for reaching out and for the comment. I have followed this line of thought (Architect as Developer basically) a lot at uni and it explains quite well my interest in architecture. It feels like architects spend most of their energy on a little percentage of everything that gets built, while the majority remains neglected or at the mercy of developers who care solely about profit. Often the middle ground is missing (where you are being mindful of the cost-effectiveness of different decisions, focusing on things like quality of public s... (read more)

Btw I designed and taught two online courses on architecture and public spaces for Czech high schoolers, all based on Jan Gehl's 'Life Between Buildings' (the 1st link you sent, and an awesome read), incredibly rewarding to see students get out there and engage in their communities 

Thanks for the videos, such an inspiring watch, I could not agree more with this. Shaping neighbourhoods, public spaces and communities has been my interest in architecture since high school and I have done a lot of work related to it. Before starting to get more interested in EA-related projects, my plan was to focus my career on placemaking in cities, and I am definitely hoping to remain active in this in whatever way I can. Interesting to think about how to use these lines of thinking to maximise the amount of people that can benefit from them, or whether coworking or living spaces where EAs hang out can be designed more in a way to maximize community health.

Thanks for the comment! Fair, this might be true. My thinking was that you probably end up focusing on things like HEPA filters, UVC disinfection, antimicrobial coating of surfaces or other interventions that might be easy to retrofit in existing buildings. I actually need to do more digging to see how effective can these get and whether now would be a good time to focus on them given the momentum post-covid, and if there are interesting groups currently working on this.

Chris Leong
Actually that's sounding a lot more tractable than I thought. I thought you were talking about either rebuilding or building new buildings; not retrofitting.
Harrison Durland
I feel like when I've heard people talk about this it was often targeted at specific high-importance, high-density buildings like schools, hospitals, government institutions, etc. rather than every office building.