All of throwaway456's Comments + Replies

Adopt and enforce a clear policy — as organizations and individuals — for dealing seriously and fully with illegal actions like sexual harassment and explicit discrimination or discrimination revealed by HR or legal counsel. Commensurate consequences and reform procedures, escalating as necessary to expulsion, are critical. The perpetrator is not so much more important than the greater number of people they are driving away, the risk of a lawsuit to the organization protecting them, or the risk they bring to the community’s reputation, that such ac
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It's also worth noting that kbog, who has been vigorously defending Jacy in the comments here, seems to have deleted this information from Jacy's wikipedia page back in August 2018:

Reese's career at Brown was cut short, however, by what he claimed were false allegations of sexual misconduct. Despite Reese's protests that the University's standard of "preponderance of evidence" against him was insufficient, Reese was expelled from Brown University in 2012 without completing his sophomore year. (read more)