Zofia Staszewska

Accessibility Consultant;, President of an LGBTQIA+ organization @ Erasmus University Rotterdam, Erasmus Pride
34 karmaJoined Pursuing an undergraduate degreeWorking (0-5 years)Seeking workRotterdam, Holandia



I am passionate about Inclusion and Diversity. Currently, I lead Erasmus Pride- an LGBTQAI+  students organization at Erasmus University Rotterdam. I also serve as an accessibility consultant at Erasmus University Rotterdam. I currently study Management of International Social Challenges. I am relatively new to EA, but I am very passionate about the idea and I would love to work within it, especially on the topic of accessibility and diversity.

How others can help me

I'd like to learn about possible career paths within the EA movement, as well as learn how to be as impactful as possible. 

How I can help others

I can help you ensure that any EA activities that you organize are diverse and accessible to everyone.


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We covered a wide range of disabilities during the meet-up. I'm now working on a report summarizing the findings and I'll share it here once it's finished :)

Thank you for the feedback! I changed the links I hope it works now. Otherwise, if you have any input you can just leave it in the comment or message me privately :)