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Nathan Sherburn

The Australian Government is asking what it can do the mitigate any potential risks from AI [see consultation request].

The Australian EA AI Governance group and Good Ancestors Policy are preparing a submission to help mitigate the worst outcomes from AI [e.g., see 80,000 hours cause profile].

At this event, we will assume most people are aware of those risks, and will instead be focusing on what government levers might help [e.g., which of these apply in Australia, or what might be similar alternatives].

For those members of the community who want to make a submission to the consultation, we will provide advice, support, and feedback.

Everyone who RSVP'd to this event will be notified.
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It is with shock and horror to hear that the Australian Government Is considering funding this project (Australian DishBrain team wins $600,000 grant to merge AI with human brain cells).

How quickly do you want to see the extinction of humanity? You may think I’m over dramatic. Well, if you proceed to encourage and fund this project, it could happen faster than you imagined.

On top of that, what happens if these technology falls into the wrong hands? Already there are millions of scammers happening everyday. There hasn’t been a day that I’m not receiving calls, texts or emails from strange people and companies trying to scam me.

Also what about all those hungry power wealthy people who wants to control the world? Imagine what they could do with these sorts of technology?

I think the world needs to wake up to these insane ideas of AI advancement before it all spins out of control. Once that happen, there’s no turning back.

I beg you please DO NOT fund this project.

Thank you.

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