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Piyush Ahuja
Andrey Breslav
Josianne Zane

** This session I'll be working through the new revamped 80k career guide**

Reflecting on your life, your goals and making plans for how you want to achieve them can be stressful and a bit of an urgh field. 

But if you’re looking to have a positive impact then it is also very important. 

To encourage this, I host supportive quarterly life reflection day at the LEAH office.

These will be quarterly sessions aimed at EA adjacent folks this year. While I envision this as mostly self directed, they’ll be a few of us who have done these before who would be happy to help.

These could be used to take a step back and reflect on your habits, goals, plans or systems over the course of an afternoon. It can be a bit daunting if you haven't done this before so I thought some friendly faces, good tunes and support from other people doing the same could help.

Google doc of resources (please add to it if you have suggestions): EA London Quarterly Review Sessions - Google Docs
Group chat: https://chat.whatsapp.com/JSmIUKovUI0KpptMMnfFfC

Planned Agenda

10:00am - Arrive at co-working space, introductions etc, get set up. Share plans, arrange pomodoros

11:00am - 50 minute pomodoro

11:50am - Break

12:00pm - 50 minute pomodoro


12:50pm - Lunch hour and chat 


2:00pm - 50 minute pomodoro

2:50pm - Break

3:00pm - 50 minute pomodoro

3:50pm - Break

4:00pm - 50 minute pomodoro

4:50pm - Break and wind down

5:30pm - Go to nearby pub for a social 





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