Effective Altruism SF is excited to team up with Progress Studies to host a joint meetup! Featuring light refreshment, new friends, and special guest Jason Crawford, author of Roots of Progress (rootsofprogress.org). This will be a casual getting-to-meet each other event, outdoors. Kids are welcome, as well as picnic blankets and extra snacks. Please don't come if you're sick or unvaccinated. We are meeting at the amphitheater stage at Salesforce Park on Saturday February 26th, from 3-5pm.

For those new to Effective Altruism or Progress Studies:
Introduction to Effective Altruism: http://effectivealtruism.org/.../introduction-to...
We need a new science of progress by Patrick Collinson and Tyler Cowen: http://theatlantic.com/.../we-need-new-science.../594946

This event is cross posted to the Progress Studies Meetup (https://meetu.ps/e/KL2Qj/qrLmq/i).

The Transbay building may be cavernous and eerily empty, but it really is open to the public. Take the elevators or stairs up to the park / roof. We will meet at the amphitheater stage, at the end of park facing 2nd Street (see park map http://salesforcetransitcenter.com/salesforce-transit...).

If you have trouble finding us, call Ruth at 6478683107, or message Matt via Facebook (facebook.com/mgoldwater).





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