Policy Entrepreneurship Network is a charity operating in lowlow- and middle-income countries dedicated to providing local initiatives working on neglected health areas with tailored ways of making use of public health research. It was incubated by Charity Entrepreneurship.

Policy Entrepreneurship Network is a charity operating in low and middle-income countries and dedicated to provideproviding local initiatives working on neglected health areas with tailored ways of making use of public health research. It was incubated by Charity Entrepreneurship.

As of January 2022, the project appears to be no longer active.

Policy Entrepreneurship Network. OfficialFormer official website.

Policy Entrepreneurship Network is a charity operating in low and middle-income countries and dedicated to provide local initiatives working on neglected health areas with tailored ways of making use of public health research. It was incubated by Charity Entrepreneurship.

External links

Policy Entrepreneurship Network. Official website.

Created by Leo at