Aditi Basu

1 karmaJoined Seeking workMelbourne VIC, Australia


Hey everyone!

I'm Aditi Basu and I'm based in Melbourne, Australia. I quit my full-time job last week to do more impactful work in the animal welfare space. It's something I have been very passionate about but just didn't have the guts to make the leap of faith (due to reasons falling under the low income high uncertainty umbrella). The Effective Altruism movement & community have played a big part in my decision to make this leap. In the one year I've been a part of this community, it has significantly changed the way I approach my life and make decisions. 

I'm taking up to a year off to identify gaps in the pro-animal movement and work on (unpaid yet impactful) projects and at the same time make connections and forge collaborations with other similarly oriented individuals working in this space. 

I'll also aim to create a post on this forum in the next few weeks, so keep an eye out!

Fun facts about me: 
I'm very much into Brazilian jiu-jitsu. 
In the past, I've enjoyed long distance running and rock-climbing. 
I have three cat babies who I absolutely adore and love.
