Researcher at the Center on Long-Term Risk. All opinions my own.
I don't think this response engages with the argument that judgment calls about our impact on net welfare over the whole cosmos are extraordinary claims, so they should be held to a high epistemic standard. What do you think of my points on this here and in this thread?
I've got a big moral circle (all sentient beings and their descendants), but it does not extend to aliens because of cluelessness.
I'm quite confident that if we're thinking about the moral utility of spacefaring civilisation, we should at least limit our scope to our own civilisation
I agree that the particular guesses we make about aliens will be very speculative/arbitrary. But "we shouldn't take the action recommended by our precise 'best guess' about XYZ" does not imply "we can set the expected contribution of XYZ to the value of our interventions to 0". I think if you buy cluelessness — in particular, the indeterminate beliefs framing on cluelessness — the lesson you should take from Maxime's post is that we simply aren't justified in saying any intervention with effects on x-risk is net-positive or net-negative (w.r.t. total welfare of sentient beings).
This is linked to my discussion with Jim about determinate credences (since I didn’t initially understand this concept well, ChatGPT gave me a useful explanation).
FYI, I don't think ChatGPT's answer here is accurate. I'd recommend this post if you're interested in (in)determinate credences.
To be clear, "preferential gap" in the linked article just means incomplete preferences. The property in question is insensitivity to mild sweetening.
If one was exactly indifferent between 2 outcomes, I believe any improvement/worsening of one of them must make one prefer one of the outcomes over the other
But that's exactly the point — incompleteness is not equivalent to indifference, because when you have an incomplete preference between 2 outcomes it's not the case that a mild improvement/worsening makes you have a strict preference. I don't understand what you think doesn't "make sense in principle" about insensitivity to mild sweetening.
I fully endorse expectational total hedonistic utilitarianism (ETHU) in principle
As in you're 100% certain, and wouldn't put weight on other considerations even as a tiebreaker? That seems extreme. (If, say, you became convinced all your options were incomparable from an ETHU perspective because of cluelessness, you would presumably still all-things-considered-prefer not to do something that injures yourself for no reason.)
Thanks! I'll just respond re: completeness for now.
Why do you consider completeness self-evident? (Or continuity, although I'm more sympathetic to that one.)
Also, it's important not to conflate "given these axioms, your preferences can be represented as maximizing expected utility w.r.t. some utility function" with "given these axioms [and a precise probability distribution representing your beliefs], you ought to make decisions by maximizing expected value, where 'value' is given by the axiology you actually endorse." I'd recommend this paper on the topic (especially Sec. 4), and Sec. 2.2 here.
I mean, it seems to me like a striking "throw a ball in the air and have it land and balance perfectly on a needle" kind of coincidence to end at exactly — or indistinguishably close to — 50/50 (or at any other position of complete agnosticism, e.g. even if one rejects precise credences).
I don't see how this critique applies to imprecise credences. Imprecise credences by definition don't say "exactly 50/50."
Up until the last paragraph, I very much found myself nodding along with this. It's a nice summary of the kinds of reasons I'm puzzled by the theory of change of most digital sentience advocacy.
But in your conclusion, I worry there's a bit of conflation between 1) pausing creation of artificial minds, full stop, and 2) pausing creation of more advanced AI systems. My understanding is that Pause AI is only realistically aiming for (2) — is that right? I'm happy to grant for the sake of argument that it's feasible to get labs and governments to coordinate on not advancing the AI frontier. It seems much, much harder to get coordination on reducing the rate of production of artificial minds. For all we know, if weaker AIs suffer to a nontrivial degree, the pause could backfire because people would just use many more instances of these AIs to do the same tasks they would've otherwise done with a larger model. (An artificial sentience "small animal replacement problem"?)
I don't see how this engages with the arguments I cited, or the cited post more generally. Why do you think it's plausible to form a (non-arbitrary) determinate judgment about these matters? Why think these determinate judgments are our "best" judgment, when we could instead have imprecise credences that don't narrow things down beyond what we have reason to?