Barb Noon

3 karmaJoined


Rewilding is getting some support as a means to draw carbon down.  I am all for rewilding areas; however, I have in mind letting nature run its course without humans introducing any particular animals.  I see in many writings about rewilding the idea of introducing carnivores as being paramount to keeping the "balance of nature" intact.  In fact, I've seen vegans (I am an 11-1/2 year vegan) who highly and almost viciously criticize other vegans who want to have a more peaceful wilderness with fewer carnivores and population control by more peaceful means.   They seem to think there has to be a strong predator force because that's "how it was intended in nature."
Do you have talks on this subject?  I feel like it would be the time to come out and try to influence how rewilding happens, instead of staying quiet and letting them introduce large carnivores, and hence, more animal suffering.   
Since we have the chance to help create habitats, I would like to create them to be more peaceful.   Perhaps I am one of the few who think this way.  

Barb Noon