Ben Stevenson

Animal welfare researcher/activist
472 karmaJoined London, UK


I don’t think this affects the outcome of the case but is import ant for other reasons.

Hey! Thanks for your efforts and for the post-mortem.

Why did you prioritise these two asks out of the inquiry's 18 recommendations? (Some prioritisation makes sense, but it's not obvious to me why these specifically).

And why do you feel "the marginal return from the final few participants was probably quite low"? (It makes sense to met that you hit marginal diminishing returns at some point, but it's not clear to me how many volunteers it takes to get there, and it probably makes more sense to me to think about it in terms of number of MPs contacted).

Interesting reporting, thanks Garrison! Globally, the general public would, I suspect, be much more sympathetic to a case brought by an AG than by Musk. Of course, within Americans there's a risk of partisan polarisation.

Dorff cites the example of The March of Dimes. The anti-polio foundation was able to legally shift its mission after the disease was effectively eradicated

Tangentially, I'd be interested in a case study about why this group decided to continue and how they decided on what they'd pivot to.

Hey Keyvan, thanks for sharing these thoughts. I'm reminded of Kirsty's reflections on stepping aside from her role at Anima because she thought that was the best decision for the animals; I really admire a culture that embraces humility, changing your mind, and staying focused on the animals.

Hey Vasco! This is a formatting glitch, which we'll fix, but there's no missing content :)

England prohibits "breeding procedures which cause, or are likely to cause, suffering or injury to any of the animals concerned". Defra claim Frankenchickens meet this standard and THLUK are challenging that decision in court.

Note that prohibiting breeding that causes suffering is different to encouraging breeding that lessens suffering, and that selective breeding is different to gene splicing, etc., which I think is what is typically meant by genetic modification.

Has anybody changed their behaviour after the animal welfare vs global health debate week? A month or so on, I'm curious if anybody is planning to donate differently, considering a career pivot, etc. If anybody doesn't want to share publicly but would share privately, please feel free to message me.

Linking @Angelina Li's post asking how people would change their behaviour, and tagging @Toby Tremlett🔹 who might have thought about tracking this.

Hey Michel! I really liked this post and I relate to "sitting in the same theater as friends from my everyday life yet watching a very different movie". "No-one in my org puts money in their pension" by @tobyj captured the same feelings well.

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