All of Benjamin Hilton's Comments + Replies

Totally agree! Indeed, there's a classic 80k article about this.

When working out your next steps, we tend to recommend working forwards from what you know, and working backwards from where you might want to end up (see our article on finding your next career steps). We also think people should explore more with their careers (see our article on career exploration).

If there are areas where we're giving the opposite message, I'd love to know – shoot me an email or DM?

Hi Remmelt,

Thanks for sharing your concerns, both with us privately and here on the forum. These are tricky issues and we expect people to disagree about how to about how to weigh all the considerations — so it’s really good to have open conversations about them.

Ultimately, we disagree with you that it's net harmful to do technical safety research at AGI labs. In fact, we think it can be the best career step for some of our readers to work in labs, even in non-safety roles. That’s the core reason why we list these roles on our job board.

We argue for this p... (read more)

Conor Barnes
Hi Remmelt, Just following up on this — I agree with Benjamin’s message above, but I want to add that we actually did add links to the “working at an AI lab” article in the org descriptions for leading AI companies after we published that article last June. It turns out that a few weeks ago the links to these got accidentally removed when making some related changes in Airtable, and we didn’t notice these were missing — thanks for bringing this to our attention. We’ve added these back in and think they give good context for job board users, and we’re certainly happy for more people to read our articles. We also decided to remove the prompt engineer / librarian role from the job board, since we concluded it’s not above the current bar for inclusion. I don’t expect everyone will always agree with the judgement calls we make about these decisions, but we take them seriously, and we think it’s important for people to think critically about their career choices.
Ben, it is very questionable that 80k is promoting non-safety roles at AGI labs as 'career steps'.  Consider that your model of this situation may be wrong (account for model error).  * The upside is that you enabled some people to skill up and gain connections.  * The downside is that you are literally helping AGI labs to scale commercially (as well as indirectly supporting capability research).

Most of our advice on actually having an impact — rather than building career capital — is highly relevant to mid-career professionals. That's because they're entering their third career stage (, i.e. actually trying to have an impact. When you’re mid-career, it's much more important to appropriately:

  • Pick a problem
  • Find a cost-effective way of solving that problem that fits your skills
  • Avoid doing harm

So we hope mid-career people can get a lot out of reading our articles. I'd probably i... (read more)

Julia Michaels
Thank you, I will definitely check out the advanced series!

By "engagement time" I mean exactly "time spent on the website".

Thanks for this comment Tyler!

To clarify what I mean by unknown unknowns, here's a climate-related example: We're uncertain about the strength of various feedback loops, like how much warming could be produced by cloud feedbacks. We'd then classify "cloud feedbacks" as a known unknown. But we're also uncertain about whether there are feedback loops we haven't identified. Since we don't know what these might be, these loops are unknown unknowns. As you say, the known feedback loops don't seem likely to warm earth enough to cause a complete destruction of ci... (read more)

Tyler Johnston
Hey Benjamin! Thank you so much for the very detailed response to what I now, upon reflection, realize was a pretty offhand comment on a topic that I'm definitely not an expert in. I've looked more into the IPCC report and the paper from Sherwood et al (which were really interesting) and this has been on the back of my mind for a while. I definitely better understand what you are getting at in the sentence I quoted. But I will say that I'm still not convinced the wording is quite right. [1] I'll explain my reasoning below, but I also expect that I could be overlooking or misunderstanding key ideas. As you explain, the IPCC report draws upon multiple lines of evidence when estimating climate sensitivity (process understanding, instrumental record, paleoclimates, and emergent constraints) and also makes a combined assessment drawing on each of these lines of evidence. Since the climate system is so complex and our knowledge about it is limited, there are limits to how informative any individual line of evidence is. This gives us reason to add uncertainty to our estimates drawn from any individual line of evidence. Indeed, the authors address this when considering individual lines of evidence. However, they decide that it is not necessary to add uncertainty to their combined assessment of equilibrium climate sensitivity (drawing from all of the lines of evidence together) since "it is neither probable that all lines of evidence assessed are collectively biased nor is the assessment sensitive to single lines of evidence." This is a pretty narrow claim. They are basically saying that they feel the combined assessment of ECS in the Sixth IPCC report is robust enough (drawing from multiple separate lines of evidence that are unlikely to be collectively biased) that they don't need to account for unknown unknowns in framing it. [2] [3] The combined assessment of ECS is only part of the full report. I worry it's an overstatement to make a general claim that "The IPCC’s

I don't currently have a confident view on this beyond "We’re really not sure. It seems like OpenAI, Google DeepMind, and Anthropic are currently taking existential risk more seriously than other labs."

But I agree that if we could reach a confident position here (or even just a confident list of considerations), that would be useful for people — so thanks, this is a helpful suggestion!

Thanks, this is an interesting heuristic, but I think I don't find it as valuable as you do. 

First, while I do think it'd probably be harmful in expectation to work at leading oil companies / at the Manhattan project, I'm not confident in that view — I just haven't thought about this very much.

Second, I think that AI labs are in a pretty different reference class from oil companies and the development of nuclear weapons.

Why? Roughly:

  1. Whether, in a broad sense, capabilities advances are good or bad is pretty unclear. (Note some capabilities advances in
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I think the burden of proof should be on the big AI companies to show that this is actually a possibility. Because right now, the technology, as based on the current paradigm, looks like it's fundamentally uncontrollable.

Hi Yonatan,

I think that for many people (but not everyone) and for many roles they might work in (but not all roles), this is a reasonable plan.

Most importantly, I think it's true that working at a top AI lab as an engineer is one of the best ways to build technical skills (see the section above on "it's often excellent career capital"). 

I'm more sceptical about the ability to push towards safe decisions (see the section above on "you may be able to help labs reduce risks").

The right answer here depends a lot on the specific role. I think it's importa... (read more)

Yonatan Cale
Hi! Thanks for your answer. TL;DR: I understand and don't have further questions on this point   What I mean by "having a good understanding of how to do alignment" is "being opinionated about (and learning to notice) which directions make sense, as opposed to only applying one's engineering skills towards someone else's plan". I think this is important if someone wants to affect the situation from inside, because the alternative is something like "trust authority". But it sounds like you don't count on "the ability to push towards safe decisions" anyway

The Portuguese version at is a project of Altruísmo Eficaz Brasil. We often give people permission to translate our content when they ask - but as to when, that would be up to Altruísmo Eficaz Brasil! Sorry I can't give you a more concrete answer.

(Personal views, not representing 80k)

My basic answer is "yes".

Longer version:

I think this depends what you mean.

By "longtermism", I mean the idea that improving the long-run future is a key moral priority. By "longtermist" I mean someone who personally identifies with belief in longtermism.

I think x-risks are the most pressing problems from a cause-neutral perspective (although I'm not confident about this, there are a number of plausible alternatives, including factory farming).

I think longtermism is also (approximately) true from a cause neutral perspec... (read more)

Thank you so much for this feedback! I’m sorry to hear our messaging has been  discouraging. I want to be very clear that I think it’s harmful to discourage people from working on such important issues, and would like to minimise the extent to which we do that.

I wrote the newsletter you’re referencing, so I particularly wanted to reply to this. I also wrote the 80,000 Hours article on climate change, explaining our view that it’s less pressing than our highest priority areas.

I don’t consider myself fundamentally a longtermist. Instead, I try my b... (read more)

Do you think x-risks are the most pressing problem even for non-longtermists?
Mack the Knife
Dear Benjamin, thank you so much for taking the time to write this thorough response. That's certainly more than I ever expected. I hope you don't feel like I meant to attack you personally for picking out copy you wrote - this was certainly not my intention and merely a coincidence.  I can only imagine how difficult it is for 80k to navigate all the different stakeholders and their opinions. And like I've said in many comments, I definitely think 80,000 Hours should pursue what they deem most important and right.  However, I still wanted to raise this question, as I could really feel myself getting demotivated - it didn't happen abruptly, but gradually with every piece of messaging I perceived to be devaluating the values I hold and the work I do. Of course I got biased over time. But then again, I know people who feel the same or similar as me, and some people here on the forum do as well, apparently.  I think the key issue might be that 80k ranks cause areas in a "rational" way  in terms of their possible impact and neglectedness - but as a human, I think it's natural to perceive this rather as a ranking of values (which in some sense it is), and of course having your  personal values ranked "at the bottom" doesn't exactly feel nice... Especially since I guess for many people, the decision to work in a certain cause area is probably mostly based on personal interests and less on objective considerations.  There are many exceptions, surely, but I think for many people "choosing" animal welfare over longtermism isn't so much an active choice, but rather a subconscious inclination that's already set up long before you ever start to think about what you want to do. And when you're then reading, that the thing you "chose" based on your intrinsic motivations isn't "all that important" ... well that's where the demoralisation kicks in. 80k never puts it that drastically, of course, quite the opposite - but we're talking about deep seated values here, the very core of

There are important reasons to think that the change by the EA community is within the measurement error of these surveys, which makes this less noteworthy.

(Like say you put +/- 10 years and +/- 10% on all these answers - note there are loads of reasons why you wouldn't actually assess the uncertainty like this, (e.g. probabilities can't go below 0 or above 1), but just to get a feel for the uncertainty this helps. Well, then you get something like:

  •  10%-30% chance of TAI by 2026-2046
  • 40%-60% by 2050-2070
  • and 75%-95% by 2100

Then many many EA timelines an... (read more)

Thanks for this thoughtful post! I think I stand by my 1 in 10,000 estimate despite this.

A few short reasons: 

  • Broad things: First, these scenarios and scenarios like them are highly conjunctive (many rare things need to happen), which makes any one scenario unlikely (although of course there may be many such scenarios). Second, I think these and similar scenarios are reason to think there may be a large catastrophe, but large and existential are a long way apart. (I discuss this a bit here but don't come to a strong overall conclusion. More work on th
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Hi! Wanted to follow up as the author of the 80k software engineering career review, as I don't think this gives an accurate impression. A few things to say:

  • I try to have unusually high standards for explaining why I believe the things I write, so I really appreciate people pushing on issues like this.
  • At the time, when you responded to <the Anthropic person>, you said "I think <the Anthropic person> is probably right" (although you added "I don't think it's a good idea to take this sort of claim on trust for important career prioriti
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Thanks Benjamin, I upvoted. Some things to clarify on my end: * I think the article as a whole was good, or I would have said so! * I did and do think a) that Anthropic Person (AP)  was probably right, b) that their attitude was nevertheless irresponsible and epistemically poor and c) that I made it clear that I thought despite them being probably right this needed more justification at the time (the last exchange I have a record of was me reopening the comment thread that you'd resolved to state that I really did think this was important and you re-closing it without further comment) * My concern with poor epistemics was less with reference to you - I presume you were working under time constraints  in an area you didn't have specialist knowledge on - than to AP, who had no such excuse. * I would have had no factual problem with the claim 'many experts believe'. The phrasing that I challenged, and the grounds I gave for challenging it was that 'many experts now believe'  (emphasis mine) implies positive change over time - that the proportion of experts who believe this is increasing. That doesn't seem anything like as self-evident as a comment about the POTUS.  * Fwiw I think the rate of change (and possibly even second derivative) of expert beliefs on such a speculative and rapidly evolving subject is much more important than the absolute number or even proportion of experts with the relevant belief, especially since it's very hard to define who even qualifies as an expert in such a field (per my comment, most of the staff at Google - and other big AI companies - could arguably qualify) * If you'd mentioned that other experts you'd spoken to had a sense that sentiment was changing (and mentioned those conversations as a pseudocitation) I would have been substantially less concerned by the point - though I do think it's important enough to merit proper research (though such research would have probably been beyond the scope of your 80k piece), and not to imp
I think it's noteworthy that surveys from 2016, 2019, and 2022 have all found roughly similar timelines to AGI (50% by ~2060) for the population of published ML researchers. On the other hand, the EA and AI safety communities seem much more focused on short timelines than they were seven years ago (though I don't have a source on that). 

This looks really cool, thanks Tom!

I haven't read the report in full (just the short summary) - but I have some initial scepticism, and I'd love to answers to some of the following questions, so I can figure out how much evidence this report is on takeoff speeds. I've put the questions roughly in order of subjective importance to my ability to update:

  • Did you consider Baumol effects, the possibility of technological deflation, and the possibility of technological unemployment, how they affect the profit incentive as tasks are increasingly automated? [My gue
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Thanks for these great questions Ben!

To take them point by point:

  1. The CES task-based model incorporates Baumol effects, in that after AI automates a task the output on that task increases significantly and so its importance to production decreases. The tasks with low output become the bottlenecks to progress. 
    1. I'm not sure what exactly you mean by technological deflation. But if AI automates therapy and increases the amount of therapists by 100X then my model won't imply that the real $ value of therapy industry increases 100X. The price of therapy fall
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I agree with (a). I disagree that (b) is true! And as a result I disagree that existing CEAs give you an accurate signpost.

Why is (b) untrue? Well, we do have some information about the future, so it seems extremely unlikely that you won't be able to have any indication as to the sign of your actions, if you do (a) reasonably well.

Again, I don't purely mean this from an extreme longtermist perspective (although I would certainly be interested in longtermist analyses given my personal ethics). For example, simply thinking about population changes in the abo... (read more)

Sure, happy to chat about this!

Roughly I think that you are currently not really calculating cost-effectiveness. That is, whether you're giving out malaria nets or preventing nuclear war, almost all of the effects of your actions will be affecting people in the future.

To clarify, by "future" I don't necessarily mean "long run future". Where you put that bar is a fascinating question. But focusing on current lives lost seems to approximately ignore most of the (positive or negative) value, so I expect your estimates to not be capturing much about what matte... (read more)

Joel Tan
On the cluelessness issue - to be honest, I don't find myself that bothered, insofar as it's just the standard epistemic objection to utilitarianism, and if (a) we make a good faith effort to estimate the effects that can reasonably be estimated, and (b) have symmetric expectations as to long term value (I think Greaves has written on the indifference solution before, but it's been some time), existing CEAs would still yield be a reasonably accurate signpost to maximization. Happy to chat more on this, and also to get your views on research methodology in general - will drop you an email, then! 

I'm curious about the ethical decisions you've made in this report. What's your justification for evaluating current lives lost? I'd be far more interested in cause-X research that considers a variety of worldviews, e.g. a number of different ways of evaluating the medium or long-term consequences of interventions.

Joel Tan
Hi Ben, I think the issue of worldview diversification is a good one, and coincidentally something I was discussing with Sam the other day - though I think he was more interested in seeing how various short-termist stuff compare to each other on non-utilitarian views, as opposed to, say, how different longtermist causes compare when you accept the person affecting view vs not. So with respect to the issue of focusing on current lives lost (I take this to mean the issue of focusing on actual rather than potential lives, while also making the simplifying assumption that population doesn't change too much over time) - at a practical level, I'm more concerned with trying to get a sense of the comparative cost-effectiveness of various causes (assuming certain normative and epistemic assumptions), so worldview diversification is taking a backseat for now. Nonetheless, would be interested in hearing your thoughts about this issue, and on cause prioritization more generally (e.g. the right research methodology to use, what causes you think are being neglected etc). If you don't mind, I'll drop you an email, and we can chat more at length?

I agree that I'd love to see more work on this! (And I agree that the last story I talk about, of a very fast takeoff AI system with particularly advanced capabilities, seems unlikely to me - although others disagree, and think this "worst case" is also the most likely outcome.)

It's worth noting again though that any particular story is unlikely to be correct. We're trying to forecast the future, and good ways of forecasting should feel uncertain at the end, because we don't know what the future will hold. Also, good work on this will (in my opinion) give ... (read more)

That particular story, in which I write "one day, every single person in the world suddenly dies", is about a fast takeoff self-improvement scenario. In such scenarios, a sudden takeover is exactly what we should expect to occur, and the intermediate steps set out by Holden and others don't apply to such scenarios. Any guessing about what sort of advanced technology would do this necessarily makes the scenario less likely, and I think such guesses (e.g. "hypnodrones") are extremely likely to be false and aren't useful or informative.

For what it's worth, I ... (read more)

Robi Rahman
I'm one of the AI researchers worried about fast takeoff. Yes, it's probably incorrect to pick any particular sudden-death scenario and say it's how it'll happen, but you can provide some guesses and a better illustration of one or more possibilities. For example, have you read Valuable Humans In Transit?

Yeah, it’s a good question! Some thoughts:

  • I’m being quite strict with my definitions. I’m only counting people working directly on AI safety. So, for example, I wouldn’t count the time I spent writing this profile on AI (or anyone else who works at 80k for that matter). (Note: I do think lots of relevant work is done by people who don’t directly work on it) I’m also not counting people who think of themselves as on an AI safety career path and are, at the moment, skilling up rather than working directly on the problem. There are some ambiguities, e.g. a

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Hi Gideon,

I wrote the 80,000 Hours problem profile on climate change. Thank you so much for this feedback! I’m genuinely really grateful to see such engagement with the things I write - and criticism is always a welcome contribution to making sure that I’m saying the right things.

Just to be clear, when I said “we think it’s potentially harmful to do work that could advance solar geoengineering”, I meant that (with a fair degree of uncertainty), it could be harmful to do work that advances the technology (which I think you agree with) not that all research ... (read more)

I think these are all great points! We should definitely worry about negative effects of work intended to do good. 

That said here are two other places where maybe we have differing intuitions:

  • You seem much more confident than I am that work on AI that is unrelated to AI safety is in fact negative in sign. 
  • It seems hard to conclude that the counterfactual where any one or more of "no work on AI safety / no interpretability work / no robustness work / no forecasting work" were true is in fact a world with less x-risk from AI overall. That is, while
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Thanks for pointing out these two places! Work on AI drives AI risk. This is not equally true of all AI work, but the overall correlation is clear. There are good arguments that AI will not be aligned by default, and that current methods can produce bad outcomes if naively scaled up. These are cited in your problem profile. With that in mind, I would not say that I'm confident that AI work is net-negative... but the risk of negative outcomes is too large to feel comfortable. A world with more interpretability / robustness work is a world where powerful AI arrives faster (maybe good, maybe bad, certainly risky). I am echoing section 2 of the problem profile, which argues that the sheer speed of AI advances is cause for concern. Moreover, because interpretability and robustness work advances AI, traditional AI companies are likely to pursue such work even without an 80000hours problem profile. This could be an opportunity for 80000hours to direct people to work that is even more central to safety. As you say, these are currently just intuitions, not concretely evaluated claims. It's completely OK if you don't put much weight on them. Nevertheless, I think these are real concerns shared by others (e.g. Alexander Berger, Michael Nielsen, Kerry Vaughan), and I would appreciate a brief discussion, FAQ entry, or similar in the problem profile. And now I'll stop bothering you :) Thanks for having written the problem profile. It's really nice work overall.

This is a great story! Good motivational content.

But I do think, in general, a mindset of "only I can do this" is innacurate and has costs. There are plenty of other people in the world, and other communities in the world, attempting to do good, and often succeeding. I think EAs have been a small fraction of the success in reducing global poverty over the last few decades, for example.

Here are a few plausible costs to me:

  • Knowing when and why others will do things significantly changes estimates of the marginal value of acting. For example, if you are st

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I really like these nuances. I think one of the problems with the drowning child parable / early EA thinking more generally was (and still is, to a large extent) very focused on the actions of the individual. 

It's definitely easier and more accurate to model individual behavior, but I think we (as a community) could do more to improve our models of group behavior even though it's more difficult and costly to do so. 

This does seem to be an important dynamic.

Here are a few reasons this might be wrong (both sound vaguely plausible to me):

  1. If someone being convinced of a different non-weird version of an argument makes it easier to convince them of the actual argument, you end up with more people working on the important stuff overall.
  2. If you can make things sound less weird without actually changing the content of what you're saying, you don't get this downside (This might be pretty hard to do though.)

(1) is particularly important if you think this "non-weird to weird" ap... (read more)

I agree with both of those reasons in the abstract, and I definitely do (2) myself. I'd guess there are around 50 people total in the world who could do (2) in a way where I'd look at it and say that they succeeded (for AI risk in particular), of which I could name maybe 20 in advance. I would certainly not be telling a random EA to make our arguments sound less weird.

(EDIT: My estimate is now more like 30; I actually asked some people to do (2) for AI alignment and they did worse than I expected.) 

I'd be happy about the version of (1) where the non-w... (read more)

That's not the intention, thanks for pointing this out!

To clarify, by "route", I mean gaining experience in this space through working on engineering roles directly related to AI. Where those roles are not specifically working on safety, it's important to try to consider any downside risk that could result from advancing general AI capabilities (this in general will vary a lot across roles and can be very difficult to estimate).

A bit of both - but you're right, I primarily meant "secure" (as I expect this is where engineers have something specific to contribute).